Brown vs. BOE -
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities -
Students with mild disabilities are allowed to "visit" in general education classrooms -
1973 Rehabilitation Act
Forbids discrimination of any disability program formed by Federal Government -
1975 Education for all Handicapped Children Act
This allowed specific learning disabilities to be recognized as actual disabilities -
In the mid-1980's inclusion movement begins -
1986 Re-authorization of IDEA
Services now included infants, toddlers, and children under 3 years old -
1990 IDEA
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
"child first language" -
1990 ADA
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Law not allowing people to discriminate against people with disabilities -
1997 Amendments
Amendments made to IDEA to promote continued learning and supports for students -
2001 NCLB
No Child Left Behind
provide equal opportunity for all students
holds school and teachers accountable for student growth and development
1. accountability
2. flexibility
3. researched based education
4. Parent options -
2004 IDEA
Amendments made to increase teacher qualifications and more supports like transition plans for students -
2005 Schaffer vs. Weast
"burden of proof"