Itard and Seguin
Systematic educative procedures were created for the hardest to teach children. -
Gallaudet school opened.
First American residential school for students who were deaf -
Howe school opened.
Howe was the first residential school for students who were blind opened. -
Council for Exceptional Children founded by Ferrell and other teachers
Development of special education as a profession -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Brown vs. Board of Education require schools to become racially integrated. -
Division of Handicapped Children and Youth was established.
President John F. Kennedy established the Division of Handicapped Children and Youth in the Office of Education -
Mainstreaming was introduced.
Students with mild disabilities were mainstreamed with students without disabilities. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act was passed.
Section 504 is civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. This law applies to public elementary and secondary schools, among other entities. -
Education of Handicapped Children Act was passed.
This act specified that all children, regardless of disabilities, were entitled to a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment -
The inclusion movement began.
The inclusion movement promotes inclusion of people with disabilities in society. -
Regular education initiative
A movement during the 1980s to try and correct the limitations of IDEA by eliminating separate special education programs and creating one system of general education in which students with disabilities were to be supported within general education classrooms. -
IDEA was created.
Education of Handicapped Children Act was renamed which is now known as IDEA. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Ensures the right to nondiscriminatory treatment in other aspects of life; a civil rights law -
No Child Left Behind Act was established.
No Child Left Behind Act is a general education law establishing that children have the right to highly qualified content teachers as well as equal accountability and standards. This law let to high expectations for special education and inclusion in standardized assessment for most kids with special needs