Critique of Falsificationism
In Critique of Falsificationism, Lakatos criticized Karl Popper's philosophy of falsificationism, which stated that scientific theories can only be tested through attempts at falsification. Lakatos argued that scientists do not simply discard a theory when it fails a falsification test but instead employ ad hoc modifications to protect the theory. He proposed a more nuanced view of scientific methodology, where theories are continuously modified and refined in response to anomalies and failures. -
Concept of Research Programs
Lakatos proposed the idea of research programs as a framework for understanding the development of scientific theories. He argued that scientific research should be seen as a series of interconnected theories within a research program, rather than isolated hypotheses. According to Lakatos, research programs consist of a hard core of foundational assumptions, surrounded by a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses. -
Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery
link : https://youtu.be/W1I1sQNcFGE "Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery" by Imre Lakatos is an important work in the philosophy of mathematics. It addresses the process of mathematical discovery and the role of proofs and refutations in the advancement of mathematical knowledge. He challenges the traditional view of mathematics as a series of fixed and immutable truths, instead emphasizing the dynamic and evolving nature of mathematical theories. -
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes
Lakatos further developed his ideas on research programs in this book. He provided a detailed analysis of the structure and dynamics of scientific theories, emphasizing the importance of progressive and degenerative research programs. He introduced the notion of "research heuristics" to describe the strategies employed by scientists within a research program.