French philosopher Blaise Pascal invented the Pascalene
Gotfried von Leibniz invents device that divides, adds, subtracts, and multiplies
Joseph Jacquard discovers weaving instructions could be stored on cards with ounched holes in them.
Charles Babbage invented two calculating devices.
Herman Hollerith invented calculating device run on electricity and used punch cards to store data.
Mark I was invented by IBM and Harvard Univesity. Howard Aiken being the leader.
ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania.
John von Neumann gave design rules used in today's computers.
UNIVAC is built and sold to the US Census Bureau.
Invention of transistors results in smaller,faster, and, more reliable computers. Also presenting FORTRAN and COBOL, two early programming languages.
Microprocessor ,an entire CPU on a single chip is invented.
The first Apple Computer design is made by Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs in their garage.
Clones of IBM are used to make personal computer more affordable.
Many people are able to afford computers.
Now computers are more powerful, reliable, and easy to use.