
History Timeline: Important Political Events During 1920s and 1930s By: Prem P.

  • Canada joins the League of Nations

    Canada joins the League of Nations
    The league of Nations was formed on Jan. 10, 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference. It was an organization that united all the countries to prevent another World War. This was one of Canada's first opportunity to be accepted as a full and independent country.
  • Arthur Meighen becomes the Prime Minister

    Arthur Meighen becomes the Prime Minister
    In 1920, Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden resigns. Due to this, Arthur Meighen was called in to finish the remaining term. Arthur Meighen was the leader of both the conservative and unionist party. Arthur Meighen had to take over a country that was in chaos due to labour strikes and protests.
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    As Prime Minister Arthur Meighen wasn't officially elected into the office, his term only lasted for a little more than a year. The liberals won the federal election which resulted into William Lyon Mackenzie King becoming the Prime Minister.
  • The Chanak Affair

    The Chanak Affair
    The Chanak affair had a huge impact on Canada's growing autonomy. Britain had requested troops for support in the war against Turkey. But, since Canada was still developing and recovering from World War I, Prime Minister Mackenzie King declined the request. This showed that Canada was becoming an independent country.
  • The Halibut Treaty

    The Halibut Treaty
    The Halibut treaty also played a big role in Canada's growing autonomy. Canadian treaties always had to be co-signed by Bristish officials in order for them to work. The Halibut treaty was the first treaty that Canada signed on its own without the permission of British officials. This showed that Canada was independent and capable of making their own decisions.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Many Canadians disliked and became suspicious of non-British foreigners after the end of WWI.This act banned all types of Chinese immigration to Canada.This act was in place for 24 years.
  • The King-Byng Crisis

    The King-Byng Crisis
    The King-Byng Crisis occurred in 1926. This crisis took place when the governor general, Julian Byng declined the request of Prime Minister, Mackenzie King to dissolve Parliament and call an election. This was the first time a governor general had refused a Prime Minister's request. This led to King and his government to resign, forcing Byng to make a decision. During this time, Byng appointed Arthur Meighen as a temporary Prime Minister in place of King for about 3 months.
  • The Balfour Report

    The Balfour Report
    The Imperial Conference was held in London from 19 October - 22 November 1926. This conference concluded that Britain could no longer make decisions for Canada. This was a very important event as it led Canada closer to becoming and indepenent and free country.
  • New Foreign Embassies and Pension Act

    New Foreign Embassies and Pension Act
    In 1927, Canada opens its first embassy in the United States. In the following year, the Canadian government passed an act granting Canadians who were the age of 70 conditional financial support.
  • Person's Case

    Person's Case
    The 'Famous Five' was a group of women that was lead by Emily Murphy. The supreme court of Canada declared that women are not "persons" and cannot be appointed to the senate. The famous five approached Britain's Privy Council and won their case in 1929. The Privy Council declared that a "person" means both men and women. This led to women getting the right to being appointed for the senate.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Since the stock market was doing well, many Canadians had decided to invest into it. On October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed. This triggered the start of the great depression. This tragedy affected everyone around the world especially the United States. It put a lot of famalies in debt leaving many homeless and helpless.
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    The next federal election was held on July 29, 1930. The conservatives ended up winning the election which led R.B. Bennett to become the new Prime Minister of Canada. His methods of dealing with the depression were effective in the beginning but they were useless in the long run.
  • CCF is Formed

    CCF is Formed
    The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation was a new political party formed in 1932. It was formed by farmers, labour groups, university teachers and members of the parliament. Their aim was to end the difficulties that Canadians were facing due to the Great Depression.
  • Government introduces Relief Camps

    Government introduces Relief Camps
    During the Great Depression, the Canadian government introduced Relief Camps which were under the control of the Department of National Defense. It provided Canadian men with the basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing and $0.20 dollars a day.
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    Canadians started blaming Bennett for the depression. People wanted a change; someone who could bring Canada out of depression. The Federal Election of 1935 was held to elect the House of Commons. The liberal Party of William Lyon Mackenzie King won a majority government. Therefore, bringing King back into the parliament once again.