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Important Moments in Education (Important Events are stared)

By cldawe
  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Education in the Colonial Period
    Colonial Education
    Colonial educaiton was very religious based and students would memorize prayers or passages from the bible. The New England Primer became very popular in teh New England colonies and many teachers would teach from it. Almost all of education was private only a few towns were required to build schools.
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    Common Schools
    The common school movement was initiated by Horace Mann in an attempt to make public education great. They wanted it to be high quality as to attrack wealthy students away form private schools and free to the poor. These schools were to be funded by taxes, this very idea brought contriversy to the issue.
  • *The Impact of Horace Mann*

    *The Impact of Horace Mann*
    H. Mann
    Horace Mann was involved in the Whig party which eventually lead him to serving on a state educational type of board. Horace man is credited as the father of the Common School era. Horace surveyed around 1,000 schools in a 6 year period. He reached these schoolhouses on horse and found that many were in poor shape and lacked what a school should have. Some schoolhouses were only standing because they were surrounded by trees to protect form erosion. Mann devised what supplies they should have.
  • Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century

    Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century
    Education in the 1900's
    Immigrant flow to the United States doubled around the turn of the centry. Many immigrants came to the United States looking forward to the public educaiton system offered. There did rise issues as the schools were Prodestant based and didn't cater to different religions.
  • The Measurement Movement (IQ, Thorndike, Terman)

    The Measurement Movement (IQ, Thorndike, Terman)
    Measurment Movement
    The introduction of mental intellegence showed people reasoning for educaiton beyond menial labor jobs. Later the IQ test would result and would be part of the screening for the army. IQ testing still exists today however people aren't expected to reach a specific level.
  • Secondary School Movement

    Secondary School Movement
    [Secoundary Schools](
    The Secoundary School movement added the predisester to our modern high schools to the American Educaiton. Women studies homemaking subjects that would suit them as wives and mothers and boys could prepare themselves for university. This movement pushed for schools that would prepare the graduates for the everyday normal world.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    The Progressive Reform Movement
    Progressive Education
    Progressive Education was centered on reforming the educaiton system form the ideas of John Dewy. Special schools were opened that offered technical skill classes and offered students hygene and other things not available at home. The schools were planned to be efficient and all of the different facilities would always be in use by rotating students.
  • *The Impact of John Dewey*

    *The Impact of John Dewey*
    John Dewey
    John Dewwy proposed that education be based around the students. He felt that educaiotn should be engaging and students should learn by hands on activities. His ideas were radical at the time and many were skeptical. However, over time research has shown that hands on learning is better than being statoinary for multiple hours at a time. He also helped intorduce the idea of switching between classes. This kept students active.
  • *Brown vs. Board of Education*

    *Brown vs. Board of Education*
    Brown vs. Education
    Linda Brown was denied five white schools when she applied. Her case made it's way to the supreme court with several other similar examples across the Unites States. The court ruled unanimously in favor of integration in schools. This upturned the Plessy vs. Fergusson ruling of 'Seperate but Equal.' Many Southern schools didn't comply with the courts. This lead to Little Rock 9, Arkansas.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act wanted to suport students, teachers and everyone else involved in the school enviorment. The act wanted to create accountability on teachers and administration in the schools. It was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson who felt strongly about educaiton.
  • *The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty*

    *The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty*
    Civil Rights
    The civil rights movement began in the 50's and peaked in 1968 with the end of the Vietnam war. During this time more and more places were integrating facilities especially after the March on Washington and the Civil Rights Act. The war on poverty became the next national issue. People worked to get those living in poverty to a better quality of life. This also played into the educaiotn system where these students were encouraged to sucseed.
  • *Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act*

    *Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act*
    This legally protected students with disabilities in the public educaiton realm. In the past those with disabilities were often institutionalized for life. This allowed these individuals to learn to the best of their abilities and become productive members of society. IDEA provides students with the accomidations they need in educaiton. As IDEA has been in place more and more students with disabilties are graduating. This act has been life changing.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A Nation at Risk Report
    Risk Report
    This report was filled by Ronald Reagan and called for desperate change to the current school system. Among other things it called for stricter graduation requirements, more emphasis traditional subjects and longer school days. This would lay the groundwork for No Child Left Behind.
  • School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers

    School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers
    School Choice
    The idea of breaking the monopoly of schools was brilliant as it would introduce compitition between schools. The idea became big in the early 90's and parents took advantage of picking the schools they wanted. Today parents and students can still pick schools outside of their boundries, but the compitition between schools didn't turn out the way it had been visioned.
  • Growth of Standardized Testing

    Growth of Standardized Testing
    Standardized testing has become the norm of educaiton in the last 20 years especially. Student learning can be compared nationally and teachers are held responsible for their students educaiton. This testing however has an average that students must work for whether they be advanced or delayed in their learning.