Superior school

Important Historical Events in Public Education

  • Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This is one of the most important events in public educational history, if not the most important. Every child should have an equal opportunity for a quality public education, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or national origin. No child should have to worry about being treated unfairly due to their race, it's sad that this seems to still happen.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was another gain in public education because it gave funding for much needed professional development and funds to aid in their classroom teaching materials. This Act was important because it provided necessary funding where it was needed to enhance the quality of public education.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1975

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1975
    The IDEA provides students and families with disabilities the rights they need for the student to succeed in the best way possible. IDEA is important to me because I have a child with an IEP and work with children with IEP's. It provides me as a parent and Teach Assistant the right to add learning goals to help the children succeed.
  • A Nation at Risk 1983

    A Nation at Risk 1983
    This event was important for our country, it showed us that we were vulnerable. We had to provide better education for our teachers so they could better educate their students. This event was necessary to raise educational standards so we could tighten the educational gap we had with other countries.
  • No Child Left Behind Act 2002

    No Child Left Behind Act 2002
    The No Child Left Behind Act requires math and reading tests for students grades 3 through 8 to see where children are scoring. This is important for teachers to know so they can support their students and set up extra help for children who need it. I believe this act lowers the number of children being held back in school.
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act 2015

    The Every Student Succeeds Act 2015
    Every Student Succeeds Act is a bonus that provides even more required support for children to succeed. This act encourages teachers to provide high-quality academic environments for their students to succeed in. The teachers are held accountable for their students’ academic outcomes.