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Important Events in the Spreading of the English Language

  • Period: 1570 to

    Important Events in the Spreading of the English Language

  • Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company

    Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company
    In 1600 Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company so that trading between the two countries could take a start. The language used for trading became English and it quickly started spreading throughout India.
  • the Triangle Trade

    the Triangle Trade
    The triagle trade was one part of the slave trade that took start in 1620. The triangle trade got its name from the route the ships took; the journey began in Britain where the ships loaded up with weapons and crafted ware. Then they sailed to West Africa where they exchanged their luggage for African slaves. With the slaves onboard they sailed to the Caribbean where they sold them at auctions and in return got goods. The language used for trading in the Carbbean became English.
  • the First Fleet

    the First Fleet
    On the 26th January 1788 the First Fleet who was a fleet consisting of 11 ships arrived in Port Jackson, Australia. The fleet had sailed from Britain and contained English criminals who were sent to Australia 'for life' as a punishment. After the First Fleet arrived it didn't take long before the English language started spreading in Australia.