important events in the middle ages

  • 476

    1.The fall of the western roman empire

    1.The fall of the western roman empire
    1.It is considered to be the start of the Middle Ages.
    2.It provided a huge power vacuum that the catholic church filled.
  • 732

    2.Charles "The Hammer" and the Battle of Tours

    2.Charles "The Hammer" and the Battle of Tours
    1. Charles Martel (Charles The Hammer) defeated the Moorish invaders.
    2. This permanently ended the Islamic invaders expansion into Western Europe
  • 800

    3.Charlemagne, the Emperor of the Romans

    3.Charlemagne, the Emperor of the Romans
    1.He was declared the emperor of the Romans and enjoyed the empire until his death
    2.He associated his political steps with the Church
    3. He encouraged the revival of art, religion and culture with the help of the church
  • 843

    4.Treaty of Verdun

    4.Treaty of Verdun
    1. It ended a three year long civil war 2.Carolingian empire was divided into three parts
  • 962

    5.The Holy Roman Empire of Germany

    5.The Holy Roman Empire of Germany
    1.It was a dynamic political unit of crucial importance to the growth of the Habsburg empire and the Protestant Reformation
    2. It controlled a vast amount of land
  • 1066

    6.The Battle Of Hastings

    6.The Battle Of Hastings
    1.William the Conqueror, defeated the last Anglo-Saxon king Harold II
    2.William established the Norman Empire and to protect it he rewarded all of his Norman supporters who fought for him in war with large portions of England land
    3.He established the feudal system
  • 1215

    7.Declaration of the Magna Carta

    7.Declaration of the Magna Carta
    1.The letter is considered as the first step towards the constitutional government of England
    2.The Magna Carta restricted the power of the emperor
  • 1337

    8.The War of the Hundred Years

    8.The War of the Hundred Years
    1.The Kingdom of England waged war against the Kingdom of France
    2.It was a very big war with both sides calling allies.
  • 1347

    9.The Black Death

    9.The Black Death
    1.The Black death is one of or the biggest pandemic in mankind's history
    2.75 to 200 million people died from the black death.
  • 1378

    10.The Great Schism

    10.The Great Schism
    1. the Catholic Church spilt in two lasting from 1378 to 1417
    2. 2 men eventually 3 claimed to be the true pope