Important Events in the History of Special Education

By frod
  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Brown Vs Board of Education
    The Brown vs Board of Education was a supreme court case that set the direction for what is to come in later years. It required access to free public education for all children with disabilities. Before this case went public about one million American Children with disabilities were not receiving education from the public school system.Thankfully the U.S has had many improvements when it comes to securing that children with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was a law that President Lyndon B Johnson brought to every ones attention that showed the national assault on poverty and represented a landmark for equality in education.He signed this law in 1965 which provided funding for primary schools. This meant more access to public education for children with disabilities.
  • Telecommunication Act

    Telecommunication Act
    The Telecommunication Act ensured that individuals with disabilities had a mean to communicate. It was designed to promote equipment for people with disabilities to better communicate with those around them. For example section 255 talks about video programming and services to be accessible to people with disabilities to promote the use of captioning and audio description.
  • Mills Vs Board of Education

    Mills Vs Board of Education
    In this case the US district ruled that children with disabilities could not be excluded from public schools. This case was actually created by the parents and guardians of children with disabilities. Thanks to this law the court ordered not only included free public education for each child with a disability, but the ability for parents to challenge the system,and proper disability testing.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Section 504 protected students from discrimination when it came to their special needs or disabilities.Students that are under Section 504 is given accommodations through the public school system that allows them to be successful regardless of their needs.Section 504 works along side the ADA and IDEA to protect children and adults with disabilities from exclusion.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    This Act guaranteed civil rights to all disabled people and required accommodations for disabled students in schools.This act is
    designed to protect the rights of children with disabilities that are in programs and activities received by the Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Special Education Law-Education for all handicapped Children Act

    Special Education Law-Education for all handicapped Children Act
    This act provided that legislation contained the core principal to ensure the educational rights of students with disabilities and their parents received free appropriate education.Some examples included zero rejects, Free appropriate public education,least restrictive environment.This law meant meeting the individuals needs of infants,children,and youth with disabilities and their families. Video
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act was a way to make sure that individuals weren't discriminated based on their disabilities in the areas of employment, transportation, telecommunication, public accommodations, educational and commercial institutions. They took into account everyone by conducted public meetings around the country with representatives from disability rights and employer organizations to receive their input in developing regulations for the ADA. Ensuring that people with disabilities have the same rights.
  • Individuals with Disability Education Act

    Individuals with Disability Education Act
    This act requires that every state have an effect policy and or procedures to ensure a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for all students with disabilities. They really emphasize the use of individual education plans for all special education students. The IDEA allowed for proper testing,creations of IEPs, "typical"classrooms,and parents feelings must be taken into account.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    President George Bush signed the act in 2001.The no child left behind act added accountability to schools and added technology assistance with proper loan programs to help schools acquire for special education resources. When assessments are done the results must be broken out by student groups based on poverty, race and ethnicity, disability and limited English proficiency (LEP) to ensure that no group is left behind.