Important events before and during civil war

  • Missouri Compromise is created

    Missouri Compromise is created
    made missouri free state and there was 11 frre states and 10 slave states
  • Compromise of 1850 is created

    Compromise of 1850 is created
    was a series of bills that wanted to resolve the territorial and slavery controversies
  • Fugitive Slave Act is passed

    Fugitive Slave Act is passed
    Declared that all runaway slaves were to be returned home
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Anti-Slavery novel
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act is signed into law

    Kansas-Nebraska Act is signed into law
    Created territories of Kansas and Nebraska
  • Dred Scott decision in the supreme court

    Dred Scott decision in the supreme court
    Declared that his family was free
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    Planned an armed slave rvolt
  • South Carolina secedes from the United States

    South Carolina secedes from the United States
    First state to secede
  • Abraham Lincoln takes office

  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    Battle at Fort Sumter
    Started American Civil war
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    1st major land battle of the civil war
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Confederates won first day but defeated the second
  • Battle of Antietam

    Bloodiest single day battle in American History
  • Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect

    Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect
    Claimed all slaves to be free
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    was the final major military action in the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle with the laargest number of casualties in the civil war
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    purpouse to frighten Georgia into not siding with confederates
  • Reconstruction Begins

    The process of readmitting the former Confederate states to the Union
  • Confederacy Surrenders at Appomattox

    one of the last battles of the civil war
  • Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
    Shot in a theater