important events

By Aiden F
  • when summer comes

    ok ok summer is the best you can get away from school and all the annoying people in school and all the stres from homework and work but when it is summer your all free
  • when I was born

    so when I was born I turned purple three times could not breath and was rushed somewhere and then finel mom my and dad got to see me and hold me and then later that mouth day or want ever I turned purple again I don't remember much or any of it because I was a baby/newborn but there was more and I do not reminder what my mom and dad said
  • my weird self

    my weird self
    so I have a lot wrong with my like a lot one thing I have asthma and a clothe platet and i'm color blind and I have angry issuise and on and on but I just a weird kid that should be recognised so people get a good laugh not like a bad laugh just like ho haha you know the laugh that goes with me I would laugh along with them and they would not laugh at me you know that's why.
    I would not want anyone to feel bad
  • when I started playing sports

    so when I was 3 I started playing sports and even scents I have not stop I love sports there are fun and cool to do
  • when I had to go to school

    so when I turn 4 or 5 I had to go to something called school and ever sentence I have been there and it is boring and some time stressful
  • when I almost died

    when I almost died
    so I was a car with my dad sister and brother and we were driving and it was a dark night and i don't remember much but we got pick up for a tornado and a giant tree brac when flying thru the window which no one got hurt but it though use and there was an old lady we did not know that got killed but all of use survived and we lost a lot though are car because it though tuse and broke are windows and everything but that is one that should be in history
  • when I got my first deer

    the first time I have ever gonna my first deer was when my papa was with me and I said that I will never get one because we were there for a very long time and I saw one and I shot without telling my papa and I shot him in the ear next the eye it scaredy my papa because he was not ready i was really funny and all that then we did what we needed to do with it then a a few years later he pass away he was like a dad to me he meant more than everything in the would he died for a heartache he was 51
  • when I found out I was colorblind

    when I found out I was colorblind
    so my mom would alway get mad at me for not wearing matching clothes and on day we though i had to get glass to see better and there the girl was like omg he is color blind because I want glass because I thought they were cool I didn't really need them thought but that i how I found out I was colorblind because I failed the color blind quiz very badly it was 2016 or 2017 can't reminder
  • asmth attack in 5th grade date unknow well i know it in was 2018

    asmth attack in 5th grade date unknow well i know it in was 2018
    so in 5th grape I had the scariest worst attack I had the nurse put me on a big mushcan and she call the cop my parents and all of that they come I went to the hospital and then I had to be cared around in a wheelchair and sat of the hospital bed for along time and watch tv and then I asked for food I ate then did not go school the whole but we were stuck in the writing room for like 2 hour that was the worst part because I could not really breath it was scarest I tought I was going to die
  • when I cough the 2ed biggest catfish in a river but it was still cool

    when I cough the 2ed biggest catfish in a river but it was still cool
    so I was probably 11 and me and my papa and dog baby we fishing far away and we had a blast fishing and shooting but a night is when to real stuff started we have catfish pool set up for hours and I was walking past one and it flug up and hit me in the face i luckily caught it but there was a giant hll we had to tie A siren to a net and pull the fish in the net and pull in up the hill was like 15ft but we caught it and went to sleep then went home and cooked and eat in more detail though