Important events in our history

  • 30 BCE

    Birth of Christianity

    Birth of Christianity
    Jesus of Nazareth was brought before Pontius Pilate and was cruicified. Three days after his death, his tomb was found empty. Jesus's disciples said they saw visions of him rising from the dead. Romans thought the smalll christian group was just a jewish sect. Paul of Tarsus began to spread christianity far and wide to non-jews. The poor began to love the idea of loving one god and believing in life after death.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    the renaissance

    The word renaissance means "rebirth" was originally from Italy. It spread to other continents with art, life stages, and humanistic values. After following the middle ages began the interest of classical learning and value. The renaissance witnessed discoveries, explorations, and inventions. After a period in time of cultural decline and stagnation brought back a new classical learning and wisdom.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1401 to

    Transatlantic slave trade

    The slave trade was responsible for the death and migration of between 12 - 15 million African people. The major European countries were involved in this violent time. The Europeans captured and kidnapped many Africans and took them overseas as slaves to build their colonies in the Americas.
  • Galileo explores moons of jupiter

    Galileo explores moons of jupiter
    Galileo started modern astronomy with his observations of the Moon, phases of Venus, moons around Jupiter, sunspots, and the stars that make up The Milky Way. When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter, he saw that the planet had 4 "stars" surrounding it. Within days he found out that those "stars" were actually moons orbiting Jupiter.
  • Period: to

    medical revolution

    "age of scientific revolution"
    There are 3 major influences from the past: Aristotelianism, Galenism, adn Paracelsianisnm. Aristotelianism is a relationship between astrology and medicine. Paracelsus was on chemistry in medicine. He thought the human body was a chemical machine, while Galenic physicians had relied primarily on plant medicines. Paracelsus popularized the use of minerals.
  • New zealand is the first country to grant womens rights to vote

    New zealand is the first country to grant womens rights to vote
    Governor Lord Glasgow signed a new Electorial Act into law. That achivement was the result of years of effort by sufferage campaigners, led by Kate Sheppard. In other democracies like Britain and the U.S., women could not vote until after the First World War.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was a national goal set by Pres. John F. Kennedy. It was launched from Cape Kennedy on July 16, 1969. Commander Neil Armstrong landed Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969 and it was televised and heard on radios and t.v. Many know the famous words " small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • chernobly disaster

    chernobly disaster
    The Chernobly Nuclear power plant in Ukraine was a flawed Soviet reactor with serious mistakes made by the plant operators. The destroyed plant killed 30 operators and firemen within 3 months and severale deaths later. It was a consequence of the Cold War and lack of any safety culture.
  • Rwandan Genocide

    Rwandan Genocide
    Rwanda's population was split into 3 ethnic groups: Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. Hutu extreamist blamed all of the Tutsi population for their country's increasing social, economic, and political pressures. Through propaganda, the Pres. Habyarimania and his group increased divisions between the Hutu and Tutsi. When the Pres. plane was shot down the Hutu launched attacks on the Tutsi. 800,00 men, women, and children died in this genocide
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    Vietnam war was a 15 year war after Ho Chi Minh became in power conflict with North and South Vietnam. the U.S. and Soviet Union became involved. In total more than 3 million people lost their lives. Divisions were drawn with Americans and Pres. Nicxson withdrew U.S. forces. After gaining control of Saigon and bringing the end to the Vietnam war. Vietnam became a socialist republic
  • Terroist attacks of 9/11

    Terroist attacks of 9/11
    The Islamic extreamist group, Al Qaeda, stole 4 airplanes and then proceeded to do suicide attacks. One plane crashed into a field in Pennssylvania, another hit the pentagon in Washington, D.C., and two planes into the towers of the World Trade center in New York City.
  • Death of Osama Bin Laden

    Death of Osama Bin Laden
    Osama Bin Laden was the leader of Al Qaeda, which is the terrorist group who was responsible for the attack of 9/11. Osama was killed by U.S. forces during a raid on his compound hideout in Pakistan.