Important events

  • Becoming a high schooler

    Becoming a high schooler
    It was important because it was the next step in education. Completing high school is a main goal of mine so i can further my education into college. In order to get a job you must at least have your high school diploma, most times you need to go to college, but some only require high school completion.
  • The dealth of my cousin

    The dealth of my cousin
    My cousin was 17 when he got into a car accident and passed away, his name was Cleve Webster and i was very close to him. It caused me to develope PTSD when i hear sirens or have anything to do with car accidents, it's impacted my life majorly with the PTSD problems. It also made me feel a lot of regret for not being there as much as i could of been.
  • Meeting Russell (boyfriend)

    Meeting Russell (boyfriend)
    Meeting my boyfriend almost 2 years ago has changed my life in so many ways, one being the fact that he's my first love and you never forget your first love. Also, him being the father of our child has been a huge impact on us both, but we beat the odds and have stuck together through the thick and the thin. He's helped shape me into the person i am today and i wouldn't be where i'm at today if it wasn't for him, he's a huge help and supporter in my life and i know a lot of odds say it wont last
  • Vacation 2014

    Vacation 2014
    I went on vacation to North Carolina and Virginia in July 2014 right before i got pregnant and it was the an amazing experience. We had so much fun hunting, fishing, mudding, and exploring the heart of north carolina and experience the different weather. Going to Virginia was absolutely amazing and beautiful, we went to chicatigue island where they having wild horses roaming the beach, it was beautiful.
  • Getting pregnant

    Getting pregnant
    Getting pregnant at 16 was definutly not what i planned for being so young, and in high school. It was a very hard experience, but also a very precious and amazing experience, it has changed my life in so many ways. I learned how to cope with all the emotions of being pregnant and i came out of it stronger and a lot more responsible then most 17 year old females are.
  • Bonding with my father

    Bonding with my father
    I just recently 2 years ago got in contact with my father and its impacted my life a lot, not having my dad growing up makes me very vulnerable to boys, and very fragile. My father used to make tons of promises and break them all, till this day it was made it very hard for me to trust and now regaining a relationship with my father has made me a lot happier and has filled that hole in my heart.
  • Counseling

    I have been in and out of counseling my whole life, but recently it has been extremely beneficial to me and has made a difference in my daily life functions. Meeting new people who will give you professional advice is just a great thing to have when needed, it was nice to have that extra support. Finding a good counselor who has given me great daily skills will help me for the rest of my life to deal with certain situations and deal with certain occurrences.
  • Giving birth to my son

    Giving birth to my son
    The day i gave birth to my son Aiden was the best day of my life, it was very scary but an amazing feeling to finally meet the life your body has formed for 9 very long months. I have become a lot more responsible then most 17 year olds, and I have shaped up to an amazing person and dropped a lot of bad habits i previously had. I'm very happy and appreciative that i have my son, he's truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.