Important Eras and Developments

  • Jan 1, 1350


    (1350-1550) It was spawned by the birth of the philosophy of humanism and furthered the arts and led to advancements of new techniques and styles of art. The Renaissance started in the city-states of Italy but spread to Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1450


    (1450-1600) As European economies started to expand they wanted to start trading with Asia. Trading with Asia was difficult on land after the Muslim Conquest of Conatantinople. This caused them to look for a sea route to Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Price Revolution

    Price Revolution
    (16th century) The Price Revolution refers to the high rate of inflation that occured during the 16th century across Western Europe. It was thought that this high inflation was caused by the increase in gold and silver from the New World and Central Europe
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Protestant and Catholic Reformations

    Protestant and Catholic Reformations
    (1500-1599) The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Reformation ended the unity imposed by medieval Christianity and, in the eyes of many historians, signaled the beginning of the modern era.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther Posts 95 Theses

    Luther Posts 95 Theses
    October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther posts 95 Theses. Luther wrote the theses to express his concern of corruption within the church.
  • Apr 1, 1519

    Cortez Conqueors Aztec Empires

    Cortez Conqueors Aztec Empires
    April 1519 Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztec Empire and builds Mexico City.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Early Modern Society

    Early Modern Society
    (1500-1700) The early modern period was characterized by human endeavors like the advancement of science, increase intechonology, and the making of politics, courts and the nation state.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Religious Wars

    Religious Wars
    (1524-1650) A series of wars between the Protestant and Catholic Religions following the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Western and Northern Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    1534 The English Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy under King Henry VIII. This act placed King Henry VIII Head of The Church of England.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    (1543-1687) The significance of this is that is revolutionized learning. There was an increase in skepticism aand rationalism. There was more literature available as well. Many great scientists such as Newton, Descartes, and Bacon rose out of this era. Also, women began to be recognized more as equals and were slowly allowed to study science along with the men.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Council of Trent Opens

    Council of Trent Opens
    1545 The Council of Trent opens marking the beginning of Catholic Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Dutch Commercial Dominance

    Dutch Commercial Dominance
    (1550-1650) The significance of this was that it helped make Amsterdam the financial center of Europe. Also, the Dutch became the bankers of Europe with the Amsterdam Exchange Bank. It was also important because it established the Dutch fleet of 10,000 ships.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Age of Crisis

    Age of Crisis
    (1550-1650) The significance of this is that it was a time of turmoil in Europe where there was poor climate, bad harvests, and a shortage of food. It was here that the Little Ice Age happened. It led to revolts and riots.
  • Jan 1, 1580

    Witchcraft Scare

    Witchcraft Scare
    (180-1680) This was significant because it led to the persecution of many old and widowed women. There was doubt and people were scared of all women. It was also important because it showed the persecution against women.
  • Signing of the Edict of Nantes

    Signing of the Edict of Nantes
    April 13th, 1598 Henry IV of France signs Edict Nantes. He temporarily puts an end to French religious wars
  • Defeat of Spanish Armada

    Defeat of Spanish Armada
    July 29th, 1588 Spain’s Armada naval vessel is sunk by English forces under the command of Sir Francis Duke and Lord Charles Howard
  • Baroque Art

    Baroque Art
    (1600-1750) This was a form of Catholic Counter-Reformation method that reaffirmed art that should be employed to stimulate inner piety. Artists should try to have dramatic works of art that involved worshippers.
  • Commercial Revolution

    (17th and 18th centuries) This reevolution led to new entreprenuers, industries, domestic systems, and joint'stock companies. Mercantilism also developed during this time and there was a rise in capitalism and the bourgeoisie.
  • Dutch East India Company Founded

    Dutch East India Company Founded
    December 31st, 1600 Queen Elizabeth gants Royal Charter to East India Company hoping to break the Dutch monopoly of the spice trade
  • Conflict between Parliament and King in England

    (1603-1689) This was the period when fighting happened over in England. It was significant because it led to the Petition of Right and religious policies. There was also the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution. These were all important because they led to the Bill of Rights.
  • Stuart Monarchy Begins in England

    Stuart Monarchy Begins in England
    1603-James VI of Scotland gained the throne of England when Queen Elizabeth died, becoming James I of England and founding the Stuart Era.
  • Age of Louis XIV

    (1643-1715) This was significant because during this time period Versailles was constructed, there was an increase in trade, and a revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Louis XIV became a very famous ruler because of how he ruled by absolutism.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    May 15th – October 24th, 1648 Peace of Westphalia was a series a treaties that ended the Thirties Years War between and the Eighties Years War
  • Charles I Executed

    January 30th, 1649 Charles I is sentenced to death by beheading for acts of treason
  • Absolutism

    (1650-1750) During this time, rulers said they had the authoritty from God to rule, and so they had absolute authority. This led to many famous rulers such as Louis XIV, ELizabeth I, and Catherine the Great.
  • Commercial Wars

    (1650-1763) These wars caused conflict between many countries over resources. They led to fights over trade and access to various places.
  • Rise of Prussia

    (1650-1763) Prussia became a strong power will a well-equipped army. Under Frederick William I they gained an army of 80,000 pople and military life became very important.
  • Newton Publishes Prinicpia Mathematica

    July 5th, 1687 Sir Isaac Newton publishes Principia Mathematica the book explains Isaac’s law of motion.
  • Glorious Revolution; Peter the great

    1688 The Glorious Revolution was the overthrowing of King James II of England; May 7th, 1689 Peter the Great begins in Russia
  • Rise of Russia

    (1689-1815) Russia became an important military power in the future. It became a dominant power on the Baltic Sea.
  • Bank Of England Formed

    Bank Of England Formed
    In 1694 England a country suffering from economic problems from war in foreign lands forms the Bank of England.
  • Rise of the Middle Class

    (18th century) During thsi century, more classes of people rose. Instead of there being only the rich and poor, but now a middle class with bankers, merchants, artisans, etc...
  • Enlightenment

    (18th century) This significance of the Enlightenment is that it brought new ideas and emphasized reason, nature and natural laws, happiness, social progress, liberty, and toleration. It led to famous philosophes such as Voltaire, diderot, and Montesquieu.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    (18th century) This revolution led to innovations in agriculture such as the open-field system, enclosed fields, continuous crop rotation, and use of manure as fertilizer. This gave a more abundant food supply to Europe.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    April 11th, 1713 Great Britain and Spain signed the Treaty of Utrecht which ended The War of Spanish Succession; September 1st, 1715 at the age of 76 his reign was the longest in the history of France.
  • Rococo Art

    (1720-1760) Rococo Art depicted the light hearted scenes of nobles in their envirnment. They had light-colored pastels and had highly decorated interior ceilings. this art style showed the mindset of the day.
  • War of Austrian Succession

    December 16th, 1740 The War of Austrian Succession begins between European powers who fought for own personal interest
  • Industrial Revolution

    (1750-1850) the significance of the Industrial Revolution is that there were many new inventiions that were created to make the textile industry more productive. This marked a shift from human and animal power to mechanical power.
  • Treaty Of Paris ends Years War

    Treaty Of Paris ends Years War
    February 10th, 1763 Treaty of Paris Ends Years War between France, Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain
  • American Revolution

    July 4th, 1776 American colonies declare independence from English rule
  • Age of Revolutions

    (1789-1848) A lot of conflict happened during this time period. The French Revolution, American Revolution, Revolutions in the Austrian Empire, and Revolution in Belgium showed the changing ideality of the people.
  • French Revolution Begins

    July 14th, 1789 French Revolution begins by ideals of Enlightenment.
  • Rise of Nationalism

    (1790's-1914) Nationalism aided in bringing a nation together. Pride for a nation is a great way of getting things done. For example, fighting for a country or making changes in government
  • Feminism

    (1790-1980's) The significance of this age of Feminism is that it led to many demands for the equality for women. Eventually, the feminist movement led to more women in science and at work. Also, eventually women were able to vote in European countries.
  • Romanticism

    (first half of the 19th century) Romanticism influenced art, religion, music, and philosophy. It also inspired a desire for freedom of thought, feeling, and action in the people..
  • Rise of Liberalism

    (1830's-1870's) The significance of this is that it led to a belief in natural rights and that governments must protect them. People also believed in a support of civil liberties including freedom of the press, assembly, and religion. It led to an opposition of full democracy and wanted laissez-faire.
  • Unification and Nation-Building

    (1850-1875) the significance of unification and nation-building is that it created new countries. This idealogy created new cultural cohesiveness and led to a network state.
  • Realism and Materialim

    (1850-1870's)This disenchanted with romanticism. It instead focused on the concerns of real people, meaning workers and peasants. It also led to criticism of the cruelty of industrial life.
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    (1850-1914) The ignificance of the second industrial revolution is that there were new industries; new sources of power, such as electricity, oil, and gasoline; new forms of communication and transportation, such ass the telephone; and new industrial powers.
  • ECSC Formed

    ECSC Formed
    The European Coal and Steel Community was established on April 18th, 1951. When Belgium, France West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Treaty of Paris earlier that year.
  • Hitler Comes to Power in Germany

    Hitler Comes to Power in Germany
    On January 30th, 1933 Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor by Paul Von Hindenburg. He was named Chancellor based on multiple long term factors – discontent of the German people, failing Weimar system and charismatic speeches.
  • Munich Conference-Height of Appeasement

    Munich Conference-Height of Appeasement
    The Munich Agreement was held on September 30th, 1938 a settlement was reached by Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France that granted permission to Germany for the annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    World War II began on September 1st, 1939 when Germany Invaded Poland. The Polish were allies with British and France. They threatened war if Hitler did not withdraw German troops by September 3, 1939.
  • World War II Ends, United Nations Founded

    World War II Ends, United Nations Founded
    May 7th, 1945 Victory in Europe as Germany formally surrenders to the Allies. August 10th, 1945 Japan formally surrenders to the Allies ending Japanese influence in the War. On October 24th, 1945 The United Nations is formed In Lake Success, NY by 51 nations committed to international peace.
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    April 4th, 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in Washington, D.C. by 12 nations The United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. It was a military alliance joint effort for self-defense from Soviet power.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    The leader of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin dies in Kuntsevo Dacha on March 5th, 1953.
  • Khrushchev 's de-stalinization Speech

    Khrushchev 's de-stalinization Speech
    Nikita Khrushchev gave a speech that criticized Stalin for his actions during his era. Hearten Protesters in Hungary became violent in their protest
  • Treaty of Rome Creates EEC; Sputnik Launched

    Treaty of Rome Creates EEC; Sputnik Launched
    On March 25th, 1957 Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed Treaty of Rome. Establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). October 4th, 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik the world’s first artificial satellite.
  • Fifth Reublic in France Under De Gualle

    Fifth Reublic in France Under De Gualle
    December 21st, 1958 Charles De Gaulle is elected the first president of the Fifth Republic by majority vote.
  • Berlin Wall Erected

    Berlin Wall Erected
    August 13th, 1961 The Berlin Wall is constructed separating Democratic West Germany from Communist East Germany
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In October 1962 The United States and The Soviet Union had a 13 day confrontation over Soviet missiles deployed in Cuba.
  • Second Vatican Council Begins

    Second Vatican Council Begins
    October 11th 1962 The Second Vatican Council opens. It was the twenty-first It was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Catholic Church.
  • Student Revolt; Czech "Plague Spring" Revolt

    Student Revolt; Czech "Plague Spring" Revolt
    May 3rd, 1968 Students of The University of Paris protested because of Frances outdated university system. Students urged for education Reform
  • Helsinki Accords-Height of Detente

    Helsinki Accords-Height of Detente
    August 1st, 1975 thirty-five nations signed The Final Helsinki Act to improve communist bloc and the west’s relations
  • John Paul II elected Pope

    John Paul II elected Pope
    John Paul II was elected Pope on October 16th, 1978.
  • Soviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher Elected Prime Minister in Britain

    Soviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher Elected Prime Minister in Britain
    Soviet forces invades Afghanistan December 24th, 1979
  • Solidarity founded in Poland

    Solidarity founded in Poland
    Solidarity is a polish trade union founded September 17th, 1980
  • Gorbachev Comes to Power in Soviet Union

    Gorbachev Comes to Power in Soviet Union
    Mikhail Gorbachev became the last president of the Soviet Union in 1985
  • Berlin Wall collapses and Fall of Communism

    Berlin Wall collapses and Fall of Communism
    March 9th, 1989 Revolutions begin in Europe to end communism; October 18th, 1989 The Berlin Wall is torn down.
  • Break-up of S.U; Balkan Conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia

    Break-up of S.U; Balkan Conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia
    December 1991 The Soviet Union is disbanded and divided into fifteen nations.
  • Euro Currency Introduced

    Euro Currency Introduced
    On January 1st, 1999 Eleven European countries replaced their nation currency with the Euro. It was introduced as a resolution for exchanging currency and most importantly it would remain in European trade.
  • Terrorist Attacks on U.S

    Terrorist Attacks on U.S
    September 11th, 2001 19 militants of the terrorist group Al Qaeda executed an attack on The United States. The terrorist hijacked four planes in the attack. The first two planes crashed into the World Trade Center New York, a third plane crashing into the Pentagon just outside of Washington, D.C. and the fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania