Apple flower

Important Dates to Me

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    Around seven a.m. I was born to parents Rusty and Casey Rachford. With no idea what to name me, my father began to walk the grounds outside the hospital. He simply looked up and there was a "Beautiful Summer Sky" as he says, which results in my name. It sounds silly to many but it has always meant a lot to me, the fact that my dad would compare me to such a special thing. I am the oldest of six children, so as the years went on it seemed there was always a baby in the home.
  • The Big Move

    The Big Move
    My family and I's home flooded (it was located in Dayton Ohio) so we packed up our bags and headed 2 1/2 hrs south into the country. If not for this move the way I was brought up would have been completely different. I consider this one of the biggest blessings on my life!
  • When I got saved

    When I got saved
    Although I cannot remember the exact date, March of 2010 is when I gave my heart to the Lord. This was the best day of my entire life. I started heading down a bad path in junior high, one which landed me in counseling.. But one night I was at a friend's house getting ready to do the same awful things I always did. Then, all of a sudden I just realized what condition I was in and that I needed the Lord. He opened my blinded eyes and I have never been the same.
  • The Decision to Teach

    The Decision to Teach
    The summer before my sophomore year of highschool I served as a camp counselor for eight years out of my summer. I fell in love with the kids and decided I wanted to do that for the rest of my life.
  • College Decision

    College Decision
    After months of filling out application forms and applying for scholarships- it was time for the decision. It seemed like I was homesick anywhere else- so Shawnee State is where I was planted.
  • Highschool Graduation

    Highschool Graduation
    I graduated from my beloved small town school. I had attended it since Kindergarten, so at first this was a rough transition for me. However, now I was starting the next chapter and closer to my goals!
  • Started Dating my Bestfriend

    Started Dating my Bestfriend
    Although every one else had seen it coming for years, Levi surprised me and asked me to be his girlfriend.
  • Teaching Phonics

    Teaching Phonics
    I took a Teaching Reading in the Content class over the Summer. I loved it and the opportunity to gain new perspectives on integrating reading in the classroom. What I am hoping to gain from this class is the ability to teach the foundations of reading without it solely being rote memory. Teaching someone to read has always scared me, so I am hoping to take away from this class the ability to teach reading and make it as natural as possible.