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Important dates in us history

By amc6851
  • american revolution

    In the 1770's the american people were sick of being british ruled colonies. they were angry about taxation without represntstion. they wanted to become thier own country but the power hungry british did not want to give up any land. so as things also went in other countries the americans fought a long war aganst them and drove them out.The american revolution is imporntant because if america hadn't split from england we would not have become a country and might have ben taxed to death.
  • First Flight of the Airplane

    On December 17, 1903 Orville and Wilbur wright flew the first airplane. it looked and flew nothing like the airplanes of today but it worked and flew for about a quater of a mile.The first flight of the airplane is imporntant because it changed transportation, the military, sightseeing, and especally speeed forever because people do not have to use slower methods of transportation.
  • world war 1

    World war 1 is imporntant because it was the first world war and america's first war in europe and was the first war using military airplanes.
  • world war 2

    world war 2 is inporntant because it revolutionized american industry and military technology and was the largest and deadliest war in human history.
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    The civil rights movement is imporntant because african americans people gained equal rights with others and caused many us citezens to better enjoy thier lives.
  • 9/11 attacks

    the 9/11 attacks are Imporntant because it began the war on terrorisim and revolutionized airport security so now we are safer.