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Important dates in U. S. history

  • Colonial settlement

    Colonial settlement
    When the London Company sent out its first expedition to begin colonizing Virginia on December 20, 1606, it was by no means the first European attempt to exploit North America.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    Until the end of the Seven Years' War in 1763, few colonists in British North America objected to their place in the British Empire.
  • The new nation

    The new nation
    At the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War with Great Britain in 1783, an American could look back and reflect on the truly revolutionary events that had occurred in the preceding three decades.
  • Philadelphia committee

    Philadelphia committee led by Benjamin Franklin attempts to regulate waste disposal and water pollution.
  • National reform

    National reform
    During this period, the small republic founded by George Washington's generation became the world's largest democracy.
  • Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    In 1861, the United States faced its greatest crisis to that time.
  • Ecology being coined

    The term ecology is coined in German as Oekologie by Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel
  • Acid rain

    The term acid rain is coined by Robert Angus Smith in the book Air and Rain
  • Rise of industrial America

    Rise of industrial America
    In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant.
  • Progressive era to new era

    Progressive era to new era
    The early 20th century was an era of business expansion and progressive reform in the United States.
  • Smog

    The term smog is coined by Henry Antoine Des Voeux in a London meeting to express concern over air pollution
  • US Congress

    US Congress created the National Park Service
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    The widespread prosperity of the 1920s ended abruptly with the stock market crash in October 1929 and the great economic depression that followed.
  • The post war US

    The post war US
    The entry of the United States into World War II caused vast changes in virtually every aspect of American life.
  • Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring
  • Black civil rights

    Black civil rights
    The entry of the United States into World War II caused vast changes in virtually every aspect of American life.
  • Apollo 8

    The Apollo 8 picture of Earthrise
  • Earth day

    Earth Day – April 22., millions of people gather in the United States for the first Earth Day organized by Gaylord Nelson, former senator of Wisconsin, and Denis Hayes, Harvard graduate student. US Environmental Protection Agency established
  • Montreal protocol

    Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer entered into force
  • The Kyoto Protocol

    The Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan in December. Countries that ratify this protocol commit to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases
  • U.S. rejects the Kyoto Protocol

    U.S. rejects the Kyoto Protocol
  • Paris Agreement

    U.S. announces it will cease participation in the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation
  • Climate change mitigation

    U.S. announces it will rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation