10.14 event image

Important Dates in Space Exploration

By kayy257
  • First Artificial Earth Satellite

    First Artificial Earth Satellite
    This satellite was called "Sputnik 1" and was the first artificial earth satellite.
  • First Animal Launched Into Space

    First Animal Launched Into Space
    Dog Laika was put aboard Sputnik 2, and was record of the first animal launched into space.
  • First Human to Orbit Earth

    First Human to Orbit Earth
    Yury Gagarin took a trip on Vostok 1 and was the first human to orbit Earth.
  • First Woman in Space

    First Woman in Space
    Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to enter space; she was on Vostok 6.
  • First Space Walk

    First Space Walk
    Aleksey Leonov went on Voskhod 2, and took the first space walk.
  • First Spacecraft Photos of Mars

    First Spacecraft Photos of Mars
    The Mariner 4 took the very first spacecraft photos of Mars.
  • First Death During a Space Mission

    First Death During a Space Mission
    Vladimir Komarov sadly passed away during a space mission on Soyuz 1.
  • First Human to Walk on the Moon

    First Human to Walk on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first person to fly to the moon on Apollo 11, and walk on it for the first time
  • First Large Optical Space Telescope Launched

    First Large Optical Space Telescope Launched
    The Hubble Space Telescope from the U.S., European Space Agency was lauched
  • First Landing on the Moon's Far Side

    First Landing on the Moon's Far Side
    From china, Chang'e 4 was launched and landed on the moon's far side for the first time