
Important dates in space exploration

  • first rocket equation

    first rocket equation
    first exposition of rocket based on newton third law of motion
  • first clear telescopic

    first clear telescopic
    term whirlpool nebulae
  • World first satellite

    World first satellite
    October 4 1957 was the first world satellite
  • first solar probe

    first solar probe
    NASA first probe
  • first woman in space

    first woman in space
    first women who was on the moon
  • U.S. launches first American astronaut,

    U.S. launches first American astronaut,
    U.S. launches first American astronaut, Alan Shepard Jr., into space, on a 15-minute, 22-second suborbital flight.
  • President Kennedy declares the American space objective

    President Kennedy declares the American space objective
    President Kennedy declares the American space objective to put a man on the moon and return him safely by the end of the decade.
  • Apollo 8 pictures of earthrise

    Apollo 8 pictures of earthrise
    it was a big thing that they got a clear view of the earth rise
  • first lunar rover

    first lunar rover
    first robot
  • Earth day

    Earth day
    Earth Day – April 22., millions of people gather in the United States for the first Earth Day organized by Gaylord Nelson, former senator of Wisconsin, and Denis Hayes, Harvard graduate student. US Environmental Protection Agency established
  • first space station is launch

    first space station is launch
    first space station ever on the moon
  • Montreal Protocol deplete ozone layer

    Montreal Protocol deplete ozone layer
    1989 — Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer entered into force
  • flight of the First Private Spacecraft

    flight of the First Private Spacecraft
    became the first private manned space vehicle to fly past the boundary of space.