
Important Dates in Space Ex History

  • Worlds First Artificial Satellite

    Worlds First Artificial Satellite
    The 180 pound Sputnik 1 was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957. The first man made object launched into space.
  • First Creatures to Return Alive from Space

    First Creatures to Return Alive from Space
    Able and Baker (monkeys) returned from space sent by the US on a Jupiter missile.
  • The First Man in Space

    The First Man in Space
    Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space sent by the USSR. He made a 108 minute trip around the Earth traveling 17,000 miles per hour.
  • The First Woman in Space

    The First Woman in Space
    The Soviet Union sent Valentina Tereshkova on a 3 day mission to circle the Earth 49 times.
  • First Ever Spacewalk

    First Ever Spacewalk
    Alexei Leonov was the first man to preform a space walk
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon and he and his partner Buzz set up equipment and collected samples for their 2 hour walk.
  • The First Space Station is Launched

    The First Space Station is Launched
    Russia launched Salyut which was the first space station. The crew however did not make it back to Earth.
  • First Free-Fly Spacewalk

    First Free-Fly Spacewalk
    Bruce McCandless tested a manned maneuvering unit to move through space without attachment.
  • The International Space Station began Construction

    The International Space Station began Construction
    The largest artificial body in space began construction and since launch has housed more than 200 people from 15 countries.
  • First Tourist to Visit Space

    First Tourist to Visit Space
    Billionaire business man Dennis Tito spent $20,000,000 for an 8 day trip aboard the ISS.