Important dates in American History

By ipm4496
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    Battle of the Alamo

    The reason this battle started was because, Santa Ana sent an assault to the Alamo(now San Antonio TX) where the Texans were hiding to protect themselves from Santa Ana's soldiers and try to gun them down.But sadly after 13 days the US coudn't hold it any longer and Santa Ana won.Today the Alamo is known for the brave people who fought in the war and lost their lives fighting,but ended up losing.After that we fought again and this time we won and got a huge part of land.
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    The Civil War

    The Civil war started on April 12, 1861. 250,000 soldiers that were 16 or younger came and some soldiers who were senior citizens did too! The first battle was at Ft.Sumter in SC, when the confederates(south) attacked the union(north).Both fought for slavery,the North disliked slavery but the South needed slavery beacause they had farms with acres of land and didn't want to pick cotton.The war kept going on and battles happened,but in the end Union won in 1865 because they were more oraganized.
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    World War I started in 1914 in Europe, but the US didn't join until 1917.The war included our allies,Russia, France, and the United Kingdom as well as Germany and Austria.The war was caused because of the assasination of the Austrian ruler and his wife.Several alliances joined together and fought against each other,eventually the war ended and 22,477,500 died on the alliance side,but as if it was a miricale the alliance won.
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    Women's Rights

    On August 26, 1920 women finally got the right to vote,the 19th amendment was supposed to have been passed in 1878 but instead they waited till 1920 to finally let women vote beacuse in 1878 not everyone was on board with that idea yet.Now women are just as equal as men are, we get to vote, get equal pay,have real jobs now that aren't just at home cooking, and we also get to pick what we want to do now.(please ignore the date womens rights never ended)
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    On October 24,1929 the stock market crashed. In 1918 people had more enthusiasm and spent their money with more confidence because we won WWI. People took all the money they saved in banks and invested it into the stock market.After years the stock market rose which meant the people get more money.People like maids,teachers,and servants made millions off the stock market! Then finally in 1929 the stock market crashed leaving families poor and devastated.That led to the Great Depression.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack to the Naval Base in Hawaii.After just hours there were 2,400 dead,21 ships that sunk or were damaged,and 188 planes destroyed.The attack happened because Japan was tired of trying to continue on with their military actions because the US Navy would not let them continue to expand their plan across all of Asia.So to plan their risky attack the Japanese left a week in advance.This attack was such an uproar that it turned into WWII.
  • Segregation

    In around 1876(ignore the date) when Jim Crow laws were legal and African Americans were treated differently,there used to something called segregation, segregation meant that colored people couldn't go to the same schools or drink out of the same water fountain, without getting in trouble with the law. Rosa Parks was on a bus in 1955 after a day of work and when she wouldn't move for another white person she was arrested!
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the first spacecraft to land on the moon."Columbia", Apollo 11's command module, was the first command module to go to the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon.Buzz Aldrin was also a part of Apollo 11.The quote that Neil Armstrong said on the moon was"one small step for man, one big step for mankind" Here is a audio of a highlight on Apollo 11-
  • 9/11

    9/11 was no accident.People thought it was but then it became clear that it was a terriorist attack.It happened on a Tuesday morning when about 19 hijackers took over several planes with passengers on board and crashed them into The Twin towers,the Pentagon,and finally they even tried to hit the Capitol but ended up crashing into a field in PA,the people that died that day helped us servive with their bravery and if it wasn't for the passengers on that plane who knows what would have happened!
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    On August 23, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana,Florida,and even Mississippi! The location that was hit the hardiest though was New Orleans, Louisiana.1,833 died in all the places that were hit but that's not all,the whole city was flooded because the levee wasn't tall enough to hold back the water.The total cost of the repair was about 81 billion dollars.