Healthy Eating
“Food is your fuel for life, and also provides the building blocks for maintaining your body’s structures.” Pg 7. It is important to eat healthy because if you want to lose weight then you need to eat the right foods and not intake too many calories. -
Exercise and Fitness
“A fit body is a healthy body.” Pg 7. When you’re creating a plan it is important to include getting fit because getting fit also requires eating healthy. Exercise and fitness will help lose the extra weight you don’t want. -
Life Balance
“Stress management, sleep and relaxation are
all important in maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.” Pg 7. It is important to stay relaxed with a plan because if your not relaxed then you won’t sleep and then your body will stop functioning the way it needs to for exercise and fitness and eating healthy will only take you so far. -
My Cousin Broke His Arm
When my cousin broke his arm he was 9 years old. He was still a growing child. He needed to start feeding his body the right nutrients it needed to heal his bones the correct way. He had to start eating healthy. He also was just a kid so he was probably more stressed out than an adult would be. So to relieve some of his stress he went to his backyard and threw baseballs as hard as he could at the fence. It helped him relieve some of his stress.