Meeting - Kick Off - Project Based Learning at SWFSC
Benefits of project-based learning within current lab settings. Low budgetary impact. http://www.bie.org/object/video/project_based_learning_explained -
Meeting - Cooperative Institute Sponsors
After directors office approval, discussion of shift to PBL on-site with students. Solicit feedback on what works in current model, how things should change. Show how PBL being used elsewhere in organization:
https://oceanacidification.noaa.gov/AboutUs/EducationOutreach/TabId/2994/PID/14968/evl/0/TagID/602/TagName/project-based-learning/Default.aspx -
Meeting - Ed Support Specialists - Open Ed Resources
Design repository for online resources (project creation, reference). Consult with in-house specialist on design. Open Ed Resources. -
Design Discussion
Meeting with educators to define rubrics for meeting current state standards for mastery of related science topics. Enlist original content creators to incorporate open education resources into project plans. http://www.bie.org/object/video/project_based_teaching_practices_align_to_standards -
Design - Assessment
Define critical assessment points along the way. Checking for understanding and forwarding progress to teachers. -
Collaboration - Ed Office at NOAA
VTC with Education Office at HQ to enlist and promote PBL. Discuss use of PBL as preparation for potential Hollings Scholars. https://www.noaa.gov/office-education/hollings-scholarship -
Workshop - Developing PBL Plans
Conduct workshop for student sponsors. Show examples. Provide additional resources. Create mock PBL for existing lab. -
Collaboration - Other Line Offices
Create Cross-discipline projects: marine mammal research, weather, satellite data collection. Group discussion with other sponsors from different line offices. -
Design - Final Assessment
Formalize peer review process prior to final presentations. https://www.edutopia.org/pbl-assessment-resources -
Meeting - Outreach Coordinator
Discussion with Outreach Coordinator about implementation of new approach. Help design presentation to local participating schools. -
Workshop - Follow Up
Second workshop of PBL design. https://www.bie.org/blog/gold_standard_pbl_essential_project_design_elements -
Administer first PBL-plan to pilot group of students. -
Program Assessment - Mid Term
Meet with sponsors to assess program to date. Look at strengths/weaknesses. Tweak program where necessary. https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2018/01/30/pbl-assessment-dirty-words -
Final Program Review
Share results with senior leadership. Correlation to enhancing future leadership pool. Creating diverse populations of future scientists. Tie to current push to ensure inclusive and diverse workplace.
Show measurable increase.