My timeline

By Edi2005
  • Three years

    Three years
    My most important thing was to arrive in Spain at three and a half years, a few weeks later we went to a water park where
    You could swim or see the seals, when we left I bought a stuffed seal that I still have today.
  • Four years

     Four years
    I went with my family to an amusement park where I rode a giant pirate ship that was spinning, after that we got on the Ferris wheel we had fantastic views
  • eight years

     eight years
    When I was eight years old I went to the parrot park with my parents, my aunt and my sister, I saw many animals and I was able to feed some animals and I could see the orcas with their trainers
  • Ten years

    Ten years
    We went to Siam park a water park, there was a pool with waves, a water slide very high. I rode in my aunt on some roads with water where you rode on a water mats that took us to a topogan and fell into a tunnel that outside had tiger sharks
  • Thirteen years

    Thirteen years
    I am currently thirteen years old and I like to go to the beach, go out with friends and play video games, this was my timeline