Philippine Insurrection
The Philippine Insurrection was an armed conflict between the United States and Filipino revolutionaries. This is an example of US imperialism because they used force to take over the Philippines. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty established the Panama Canal Zone. This is an example of US imperialism because they were in debt. The US was using both polictical and economical influence. -
Roosevelt Corollary
The Roosevelt Corollary states that the US wiill intervene in conflicts bewteen European countires and Latin American countries to enforce legitamate claims of the European powers. This is an example of US imperialism because they are once again, using force to get what they want. -
US Occupation of the Dominican Republic
The US Occupation of the Dominican Republic was one of the many forces that was undertaken by the Army of the United States. This is an example of US imperialism because the US was opposing our will on someone else. -
Cuban Intervention
The Cuban Intervention should be considered a success both politically and militarily for the US. There was a peaceful occupation and pacification of the island. There was positive political and economic relations bewteen Cuba and the US. This is an example of US imperialism because Theodore Roosevelt was trying to take over Cuba to maintain power. -
The Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet was the nickname for the United States Navy Fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe by order of President Theodore Roosevelt. This is an example of US imperialism because Britain's Royal navy provided a great example of what having a strong navy could do to help ones own territorial ambitions. -
Panama Canal
The Panama Canal was a ship canal that connected from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This is an example of US imperialism because the US allows them to work in the canal but they don't get much out of it.