Philippine Insurrection
1899-1902. This war was between the Filipino and the Americans and the Philippines revolution in spain.This is an example of US imperialism because the US was using military and economic power to get control of the Philippines, they were getting connections by helping that country. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Signed November November 18, 1903, basically said that the US had canal rights of the Panama canal and Panama was to receive money. -
Roosevelt Corollary
During 1904 it was added to the Monroe Doctrine by Theodore Roosevelt. It was made to help after the Venezuela crisis, it said that US can intercede with European conflicts. -
US occupation of the Dominican Republic 1905
In 1905 the Americans assumed they had control of Cuba and they kept 55% of the Dominican Republic revenues and and the Dominican goverement got 45%. -
Cuban Intervention
September 29th, 1906, the US assumed they had military control of Cuba under the platt amendment. And the reason they did this was because the cubans were tired of the americans telling them what to do so they had a revolution and america took it as a threat so they sent their military. -
The Great White Fleet
From December 16 1907 to February 22 1909, by order of US president, military battle fleet went around the globe. President Roosevelt purposely sent the Great white fleet around world to show everyone that the US had military muscle, that they had military power, they stopped in japan to intimidate and show that the United States had control there, and so they could trade with them. -
Panama Canal
Waterway in Panama that connect the Pacific and the Atlantic. Finished building in 1914 by US who spent 10 years building it. They helped them built it so they can have power over it later, also so they can have trade route and the marine cold go through there.