imperialism timeline

  • Panama Canal begins construction

    The canal began as a French project led by Ferdinand de Lesseps after a coast-to-coast pathway had been created through the jungles of Panama.
  • Hawaiian government is overthrown

    An illegal coup was orchestrated against the Hawaiian government by white planters and businessmen.
  • USS Maine explodes

    The USS Maine had exploded and many Americans believed that the Spanish were behind it, also making it a leading cause to the Spanish-American War
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    Also known as the Splendid Little War, the U.S. fought against Spain alongside Cuba for Cuba’s independence, we gain Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines afterwards.
  • Hawaii gets annexed

    5 years after the Hawaiian government was overthrown, it was annexed for its resources and location.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This treaty marked the end of the Spanish-American War, where Spain and America agree on giving Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. and the U.S. paid $20 million for the Philippines.
  • American Samoa

    America and Germany come to an agreement on Samoa, dividing it between the two
  • White Man’s Burden

    A poem written by Rudyard Kipling that advocated for westernization and imperialism
  • Open Door Policy

    This policy allowed all countries to trade freely with China.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    A group of Chinese people (the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists) who fought against westernization in China
  • Panama Canal construction resumed by the U.S.

    Due to the large amount of workers dying from mudslides, yellow fever, and malaria, the French had dropped the project and the U.S. bought rights to it in order to finish it
  • Roosevelt’s Corollary

    An addition to the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the U.S. is allowed to intervene with affairs when necessary in order to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    President Taft put his dollar diplomacy idea into play on Latin America, where he uses money to gain influence
  • Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy

    President Wilson, hoping to change the Latin American government, believed that the U.S. should establish an influence through their words instead of their actions
  • Panama Canal finishes construction

    Despite the Americans facing the same problems as the French, they were able to finish the canal and open it officially in August 15 that same year