Imperialism in Africa Timeline

  • 1400

    Golden Age of Exploration

    Europeans began to sail south around the continent of Africa
  • 1500


    The Europeans began to build trading posts in Africa
  • 1500


    European made money for slaves also, they began to sell guns
  • Colonizing

    The Europeans began taking over other country’s for their resources
  • Taking control

    Europe had nearly taken over all of Africa
  • Rebelling back

    The Africans began to rebel against colonization
  • Granted independence

    In 1910 South Africa was granted independence from Great Britain.
  • Political organization

    The Kikuyu people of Kenya began a political organization in the 1920s to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Uncolonized

    The only country to remain uncolonized is Ethiopia
  • Kramer Nkrumah

    He introduced a idea of Pan-Africanism which is a belief of unity of all black Africans
  • Afrikaners

    white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law.
  • Sudan

    Sudan gained independence from Great Britain
  • Independence

    Ghana would gain their independence back.
  • Nigeria is independent

    Nigeria became independent after a fierce struggle against the British.
  • Belgium Congo

    Belgium Congo became independent in 1960.
  • Rwanda

    Independence cane to Rwanda
  • Kenya Independent

    Jomo Kenyatta would become the newly independent Kenya’s first leader
  • Nelson Mandela

    Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
  • Couldn’t stay stable

    country was unable to create a stable, fair government. As a result, in 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power.
  • Joseph Mobutu seized power

    He renamed the country Zaire and ruled uninterrupted for 32 years.
  • Civil Wars

    the people in the south rebelled against northern rule leading to two civil wars from 1956 to 1972
  • Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent

    They named their new country Biafra They lost over a million people
  • F.W de Klerk

    F.W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa in 1989.
  • Klerk

    He announced the end of apratheid and released Nelson Mandela from prison.
  • Mandela And de Klerk

    Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in ending apartheid.
  • Hutu and Tutsi

    Hutu began to engage in genocide against the Tutsi people.
  • South Africa

    South Africa held its first open elections in which Nelson Mandela was elected the new president.
  • Tunisia

    People in Tunisia began to agitate for a more democratic Government.
  • Sudan

    Sudan recognized South Sudan’s independence.
  • Ben Ali

    President Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected.