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Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Europeans began to sail south

    Europeans began to sail south
    Europeans began to sail south around the continent of Africa in an attempt to get the goods found in India and China
  • 1500

    Europeans made goods in exchange for slaves

    Europeans made goods in exchange for slaves
    Those slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas to work on sugar, rice and cotton plantations.
  • 1500

    Europeans build trading posts in Africa

    Europeans build trading posts in Africa
    Europeans built trading posts so they could exchanges the slaves they have for goods
  • Europeans take over and colonizing other countries

    Europeans take over and colonizing other countries
    Europeans took over other countries so they could take there resources
  • Europeans conquered almost all of Africa

    Europeans conquered almost all of Africa
    Europeans have invaded and conquered almost all of Africa
  • Africans rebel

    Africans rebel
    Africans started to rebel against colonization
  • Africas independence

    Africas independence
    Africa was finally granted independence from Great Britain
  • Fighting for freedom

    Fighting for freedom
    people from Kenya began a political organization in the 1920s to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia
    Ethiopia was one of the last countries to be invaded but it was eventually by Italy in 1930
  • Pan-Africanism

    Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanism which was a belief in the unity of all Black Africans worldwide.
  • Apartheid law

    Apartheid law
    white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law.
  • Ghanas Independence

    Ghanas Independence
    Ghana gained its independence in 1957
  • Nigerias Independence

    Nigerias Independence
    Nigeria became independent after a fierce struggle against the British.
  • Belgiums independence

    Belgiums independence
    Belgium Congo became independent in 1960.
  • Independence

    After many years Kenya finally gained there freedom
  • Mandelas arrest

    Mandelas arrest
    Instead of becoming a clan leader, Mandela instead went to school to become a lawyer. As an adult, he
    began to protest aparheid. In 1964,
    Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life
    in prison for his actions.
  • Joseph Mobutu Seizes power

    Joseph Mobutu Seizes power
    The country was unable to create a stable, fair
    government. As a result, in 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power.
  • Igbo tried to declare independence

    Igbo tried to declare independence
    In 1976 the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent. They named their new country Biafra.
  • F.W de Klerk as President

    F.W de Klerk as President
    F.W de Klerk was elected president
  • End of Apartheid

    End of Apartheid
    In 1990 F.W de Klerk announced the end of apartheid and released Mandela from prison