Imperialism in Africa

  • 2012 BCE

    Replaced by Islamic government

    In 2012 Mubarak was Replaced by Islamic government that was led by a man named Mohammed Moris
  • 1400

    Time of the Golden Age

    Time of the Golden Age
    During the golden age of exploration in the 1400s Europeans started to sail south around the continent of Africa at an attempt to get the wealth of skills and spices found in India and China.
  • 1500

    When Europeans began to enslave the Africans

    When Europeans began to enslave the Africans
    Beginning in 1500s the Europeans begin to enslave the Africans for there own needs and sold there guns and the Europeans made goods in exchange for slaves.
  • Colonization

    around the 1800s the Europeans started colonizing other countries for other resources they could provide
  • Europeans Taking Over Africa

    Europeans Taking Over Africa
    During the beginning of the 1900s the Europeans had taken over nearly all of Africa.
  • Great Britain’s Independence

    In 1910 Great Britain gained there independence
  • Political Organization

    In the 1920s the Kikuyu people of Kenya decided to start a political organization to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Italy invading Ethiopia

    The only country to remain uncolonized was Ethiopia though Italy did invade the country in the year of 1930
  • Pan-Africanisim

    By the 1940s Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanisim
  • White South Africans

    In 1948 white South Africans made a apartheid law
  • Beginning of the first civil war

    From 1956 to 1972 was the first civil war because south rebelled against northern rule.
  • Ghanas independence

    In 1957 Ghana would there independence
  • Belgium Congo’s Independence

    Belgium Congo became independent in the year of 1960
  • Rwanda’s Independence

    In the year of 1962 Rwanda gained there independence
  • Kenya Becoming Independent

    In 1963 after years of fight Kenya became independent
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    In the year of 1964 Nelson Mandela was sent to prison for life because of his actions, but that did not stop him from protesting even though he was in prison
  • Seizing Power

    In the year of 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power
  • Sudans Independence

    In 1965 Sudan gained there independence from Great Britain
  • Ending of the first civil war

    From 1956 to 1972 was the first civil war because south rebelled against northern rule this was the end of the first civil war
  • Igbo Trying to declare dependence

    In the year of 1976 the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent
  • Beginning of the second civil war

    During 1983 was the beginning of the second civil war
  • de Klerk

    In 1989 F.W. de Klerk was elected to be president
  • End of Apartheid

    In the year of 1990 de Klerk announced the end of apartheid and he also released Nelson Mandela from prison
  • Nelson Mandela as President

    In the year of 1994 South Africa held there first ever open elections and Nelson Mandela was elected to be South Africa’s new President.
  • Rwanda still struggles with violence

    In this Rwanda still has there independence but they still struggle with violence
  • Ending of the second civil war

    This was the ending of the second civil war witch ended in 2005
  • Sudans Independence

    In 2011 Sudan gained there independence
  • Qaddafi is dead

    In 2011 Qaddafi was captured and killed
  • Mubarak had to Resign

    Mubarak was a director who had controlled Egypt for 30 years but he was forced to resign in 2011
  • Morsi’s Team is short

    Morsi’s team was short because his government was overthrown by the military