Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Age of Exploration

    European's sailed around to south Africa, trying to gain spices and silk from India and China. The European's gained a lot of knowledge from this adventure about the people of Africa.
  • 1500

    Trading Slaves

    Slave traders sold guns and goods for slaves. The slaves worked on sugar, rice, and cotton farms.
  • 1501

    Trading Posts

    Europeans built trading posts in Africa. Trading posts are locations that the Europeans and the Africans traded goods like sugar and cotton
  • Colonizing

    The Europeans started taking over Africa for the benefit of themselves. They would gain supplies like gold and slaves.
  • Europe Exploring

    In 1900 Europe invaded all of Africa. They took control of the Suez Canal, a waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
  • Rebeling

    African Americans started reeling against colonization.
  • South Africa Independence

    South Africa became independent from Great Britain. The low population of white people controlled the government in South Africa.
  • Plotical Organzation

    The people of Kenya made a political organzation to rebel against Britain and drying to obtain freedom.
  • Pan-Africanism

    Kwame Nkrumah introduced Pan-Africanism. Pan-Africanism is the belief that each African American is the same is the next.
  • Apartheid

    The white South Africans created the law of apartheid. Apartheid made it legal to sort people based on their race. During this time black South Africans had to work and live under the whites direction.
  • Sudan's Independence

    Sudan obtained independence from Great Britain.
  • Sudan Civil War Starting

    The multi religion land of the south did not like how the north ruled there land and started rebelling against. This began the start of the first civil war.
  • Ghana Independence

    Ghana gained its independence from Britain.
  • Nigeria's Independence

    Nigeria became independent from Great Britain, inspired by Pan-Africanism.
  • Belgium Congo

    Belgium Congo game independence from Britain. In result, it could not sustain a functioning government.
  • Kenya Independence

    Kenya became independent from Britain, inspired by Pan-Africanism.
  • Mandela's Arrest

    Nelson Mandela began to protest against apartheid. In consequence, he was arrested and sentenced to life prison.
  • Joseph Mobutu

    Belgium Congo couldn't produce a stable government. The unstable government had violence. Joseph Mobutu saw this to his advantage and took power. Violence continued in the Congo.
  • Igbo Attempting Independent

    Igbo attested independent from the rest of Nigeria. They tried to named the new country Biafra. Igbo trying to separate from Nigeria triggered a civil war that made one million people die. Once these people died, it made Igbo stay part of Nigeria.
  • Sudan Civil War Ending

    The multi religion land of the south did not like how the north ruled there land and started rebelling against. This is the end of the first cilvil war.
  • the Start of the Second War

    The multi religion land of the south did not like how the north ruled there land and started rebelling against. This is the start of the second cilvil war.
  • de Klerk

    When de Klerk was elected president he knew that apartheid had to end.
  • End of Apartheid

    de Klerk announced the end of apartheid and released Nelson from prison.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nelson Mandela and de Klerk were given the Noble Peace Prize for ending apartheid
  • Elections

    South Africa had its first election that anyone could run for president. Mandela won the election.
  • Sudan's Civil War Ending

    The multi religion land of the south did not like how the north ruled there land and started rebelling against. This is the end of the second cilvil war.
  • Arab Springs

    One of the results leaving your colonized country is that they get left with unstable governments. The people of Tunisia wanted a better government. They set to the task of trying to solve there government situation. They aimed for a democratic government. This event became known as the Arab Springs.
  • Recognizing Independence

    Northern Sudan admitted South Sudan's independence from the north. South Sudan achieved this through persevering through two civil wars.
  • Refuse

    Muammar Qaddafi was the president of Libya. When he refused to retire the position war broke out. The people fighting Qaddafi were supported by many countries. When Qaddafi was finally captured and killed. Once he was killed, Libya stared another government, but not everyone enjoyed the new government. In result, the violence has continued.
  • Hosni Mubarak

    When the Arab spring began, at the time Hosni Mubarak was the leader of Egypt. He had leadership over Egypt for 30 years. He was made to resign. He was replaced by an Islamic fundamentalist government.
  • Democratic Government

    In Tunisia, president Ben Ali stepped down. Once he retired from that position Tunisia became a democratic government. This inspired Algeria and Morocco to have this same success.