Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Europeans traveled around Africa to get goods

    The Europeans traveled around Africa to get goods from Asia. They got silks and spices
  • 1500

    Europeans trades goods for humans

    The Europeans would trade guns and goods for African people
  • 1500

    Europeans set up trading posts

    The Europeans start to set up trading posts in Africa where they could trade slaves for goods
  • The Europeans started to colonize in Africa

    The Europeans started to colonize in Africa, so they could get resources that they needed.
  • Europe almost had all of Africa

    The Europeans had controlled almost all of Africa. This allowed them to get many resources and slaves.
  • Africans began to rebel

    After WII the Africans started to rebel against the countries that controlled them.
  • South Africa gains independence

    South Africa gets independence from Great Britain. Even though the British people are a small minority in South Africa.
  • The Kenya people made an organization to get freedom

    The Kikuyu Kenya people started the organization to get Kenya free. This group then made other Kenya people join with helped them get their independence.
  • Ethiopia was invaded by Italy

    Ethiopia defended its land until the Italians showed up and conquered the land.
  • Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanism

    Kwame Nkrumah believed that all Africans are one group of people.
  • The white South Africans make the apartheid law

    This laws that the South Afrikaners create the laws to separate the white and black Africans.This law made it, so only white could go in certain areas.
  • Sudan gets independence

    In 1956 Sudan gets its independence from Great Britain.
  • Sudan starts a civil war

    In 1956 Sudan started a civil war. The civil war was about the north side and south side. The north were mostly Christian. The south was mostly Muslim Arab.
  • Ghana get independence

    The country of Ghana got its independence.
  • Nigeria becomes independent

    The people of Nigeria became independent from the British in a fierce struggle.
  • Congo became independent

    The Belgium Congo gots its independence from Belgium. They are left with a bad economy.
  • Rwanda gain independence

    After Rwanda gained independence the two groups Tutsi and Hutu people fought for control. The Hutu people ended up taking control.
  • Kenya get independence from Great Britain

    It took years for them, but Kenya finally gained independence from Great Britain. Then Jomo Kenyatta was the ruler after its independence.
  • Nelson Mandela was arrested and had a life sentence

    Nelson Mandela was a South African that stood up to the apartheid law. Due to his actions he was arrested and had a life sentence.
  • Joesph Mobutu seized power in Congo

    Joesph Mobutu seized power in Congo he renamed the country Zaire. He would rule for 32 years.
  • The Sudan civil war ends

    In 1972 the civil war between the north and south end. Millions of people died during the civil war.
  • Igbo people try for independence

    The Igbo people in Nigeria try to get independence and declare freedom. They named their new country Biafra.
  • F.W. de Klerk was elected president

    F.W. de Klerk was elected South African president and he helped get Nelson Mandela out of prison.
  • The apartheid law was ended

    With the help of J.W. de Klerk they got rid of the apartheid law. This allowed black people to go anywhere they wanted.
  • Nelson Mandela and Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize

    Nelson Mandela and J.W. de Klerk won the Nobel Peace prize because they ended the apartheid.
  • Nelson Mandela elected president

    Nelson Mandela was elected as the president of South Africa. He was the first president after the apartheid.
  • Hutu engages in genocide

    The Hutu people with control want to take out the Tutsi. They want to wipe out the Tutsi completely. Between 800,000 to 1 million Tutsi people were killed.
  • Tunisia want a democracy

    In 2010 Tunisia wanted a democracy. They used social media to corrupt the government.
  • Ben Ali resigned from Tunisia president

    In 2011 Ben Ali resigned from president. This led to a democracy kind of government.
  • Qaddafi was captured and killed

    Qaddafi was the Libya leader. He refused to step down, so war broke out. The United States helped the rebels fighting against him.
  • Hosni Mubarak resigned as Egypt president

    Hosni Mubarak resigned as president after 30 years.
  • Mohammed Morsi was the new Egypt president

    He was an Islamic fundamentalist government.
  • Morsi was overthrown by the military

    In 2013 Morsi was overthrown by the military. He was then imprisoned and his political party was banned. This gave more power to the police and military.