Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Age of exploration

    Europeans sailed across sea to wealth of silk and spices from India and China
  • 1500


    Europeans traded the Africans guns and goods for slaves
  • 1500

    Trading post

    Europeans built trading post in Africa
  • Colonizing

    They were colonizing or taking over another countries and taking their resources
  • Took Africa

    Europe took over most of Africa
  • World War 2

    Africans fought against the colonization for freedom
  • South Africa

    Great Britain granted South Africa independence
  • Kikuyu

    Began a political organization to gain their freedom back from Great Britain
  • Ethiopia and Italy invaded

    Ethiopia and Italy invaded Africa and remain uncolonized
  • Kwame Nkrumah

    He introduced the idea of Pan-Africaism a belief of Black Africans world wide
  • South Africans

    White South Africans made a apartheid law
  • Sudan

    Sudan got its independence back from Great Britain
  • Civil War 1

    The first began
  • Ghana

    Ghana gains it independence back
  • Nigeria

    Became independent after the force of Great Britain
  • Belgium

    The Belgium Congo became independent
  • Hutu

    Hutu violence broke out and the Hutu took over the control
  • Kenya

    Kenya got is independence back for Great Britain
  • Mandela

    Mandels was put in prison for life because of what he did
  • Joseph Mobutu

    Joseph Mobutu gained power
  • Igbo

    Tried to trick people that they are independent
  • Civil War the 2 one

    The seconded war began
  • F.W. de clerk

    He was elected as president in South Africa
  • Apartheid

    F.W. announced that the apartheid ended and Mandela was released from prison
  • Elections

    South Africa held its first elections and Mandela was the new president
  • Hutu country

    The country saw more violence into 1994
  • Tunisia people

    Tunisia people wanted a more democratic government
  • South Sudan

    Recognized its independence
  • Ben Ali

    Resined a democratic government and was elected
  • Qaddafi

    He was captured and killed
  • President Hosni Mubarak

    He had to resign because he was president for over 30 years
  • Mohammed Morsi

    Mohammed Morsi was the new president
  • Morsi

    His term was very short