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Imperialism Imperialism Imperialism America

  • Buying Alaska

    Buying Alaska
    This was a very important event until history. Along with the US getting Hawaii this completely the land America had. This also showed American agression about how we were gonna buy stuff and spend money and show they we were powerful and how we have used Alaska.
  • Americans Want Hawaii

    Americans Want Hawaii
    This gave us 1 of are last 2 states. We aided them in a revolt against the queen of Hawaii and then Annexed them into the us. This is important because it’s are only island state and shows that the US was kinda power hunger.
  • War with Spain

    War with Spain
    This was honestly just another way for America to flex their power. They were angry about Cubans revolting and the Spanish empires decline overall. We didn’t really have a ton of trouble with the war so it was just Americans way to look stronger.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This was 1 of the only bad parts of this time in American history. We had almost too much control that we started fighting within ourselves and it screwed everything up until we ratified the treaty.
  • Interest in China

    Interest in China
    America Seems to find an awesome ally in china hear. They helped put down a Chinese rebellion and still argued about trade a bit but were pretty good allies.
  • Rule over Cuba and Rico

    Rule over Cuba and Rico
    This created a lot of American uncertainty because they didn’t know if or how they wanted to rule these country’s. Over time we keep giving them more freedoms but they both understood we saved them from China.
  • War in the Philippines

    War in the  Philippines
    This also helped American flex there power a little bit. This

    Rebellion /war may not have looked good but it made Americans take better action. We took no prisoners and had some struggles but crushed it.
  • Réformation of the Philippines

    Réformation of the Philippines
    This helped the Philippines become a more developed nation while also giving William Taft who was elected governor some good leadership experience as he tried to put everything in check.
  • Sending troops into Mexico

    This also helped prove American Strength we got mad at Mexico for imprisoning sailors. We send troops and made the government collapse.
  • Military Strength

    Military Strength
    As a country we wanted to grow in military strength. We grew in military and mainly naval strength. This is important because we can’t take over country’s if we’re not strong.