
  • 1400

    The golden age of traveling

    Europeans set sail around south of Africa, in search of wealth and other trades like spices and silk.
  • 1500

    Slavery began

    In the 1500s, European traders started to sell Africans guns and European made goods in exchange for slaves.
  • 1500


    The Europeans began to build trading posts in Africa in the 1500s and by the early 1800s, they were taking over another country for their central resources and route's they had to spare.
  • Dutch discovers land

    Dutch found colony of Cape of Good Hope
  • war

    First Anglo-boer war
  • Imperialism spreads

    British land troops in Egypt
  • Belgium Congo

    Almost all Africans suffered because of this terrible colony. They were forced to work under colonial rule as their land was taken , they were forced to work for little or no pay and any attempt to rebel.
  • Falling

    Pondoland, the northern part of the Eastern Cape, falls under British control.
  • War Again

    The second boer war starts.
  • Progress

    Transvaal becomes apart of the British empire
  • The union forms

    Four self governing colonies form the Union of South Africa
  • Independent

    In 1910 South Africa was granted independence by Great Britain.
  • Congress

    The African national congress is formed
  • Nit picking

    Land act is introduced to prevent black people from buying land outside of preserves.
  • Rags to riches

    South Africa becomes a sovereign state in common wealth
  • In africa

    White South Africans called Afrikaner’s made an apartheid law.Meaning segregation on grounds other than race.
  • Sudan

    In 1956 Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • Freedom

    By the end of the 1960s, all African colonies were independent.
  • Great leaders

    he protested aparheid. In 1964, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
  • Wars

    The Sudanese civil war after 2 decade 2.5 million dead
  • Justice

    Peter Gabriel comes out with a song inspired by Biko because of his tragic death by the cops.
  • Presidents

    F.W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa in 1989.
  • Superhero

    F.W de Klerk took part in the end of apratheid and released Nelson Mandela from prison.
  • Awards

    Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in ending apartheid.
  • A new future

    South Africa held it’s first open elections which Nelson Mandela was elected the new president of South Africa
  • Sudan freed

    Sudan gains independence