
  • Monroe Doctrine

    United States policy which opposed European colonialism in the Americas
  • Wake Islands

    unincorporated, a naval base was midway complete being built on wake island when it was attacked by the Japanese in 1941. The island was reestablished once the Japanese surrendered
  • Mexican American war

    Politics, profit. After the war the united states took control of of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam. Cuba as freed and Philippines was annexed.
  • Actions in Japan

    General Perry, came to Japan and forced them to open up to trade.
  • MIdway islands

    Not annexed until 1867, Midway was an important stop for the Naval ships and aviation. politic advantage
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii and US agreed to a treaty allowing for the us to have access to the sugar can market. 5 years later the U.S. created a new treaty annexing Hawaii
  • Teller Amendment

    A response to President McKinley's war message. Stated that the U.S. could not permanently acquire Cuba., politics
  • Somoa

    Political, piety, Somoa was split between Germany and the U.S. The U.S. wanted the country as a naval base and to spread their cultural before Germany could. America still owns a partial part of Somoa.
  • Platt Amendment

    set 7 conditions for that had to happen for troops to be withdrawn from Cuba after the Spanish american war. politics
  • Roosevelt corollary

    Created a new doctrine for imperialism relating the the united states.
  • U.S. Virgin Islands

    Purchased from the Danish for $25 million in gold. Was an effort to improve military Politics