Louis XIV
Spends $100 million to build palace at Versailles -
Louis XIV
Louis XIV dies leaving France debt -
Age of Reasons reaches its heights -
Louis XVI
Louis XVI married Austrian Marie Antoinette -
Louis XV
Louis XV dies also leaving France in debt from wars fought during his reign; Louis XVI takes over.
People of France are poor and hungry -
Declaration of Independence
Is written and the colonists win American Revolution in 1781 -
Estates- General
Peasants mad about new tax plan; Louis calls first meeting of Estates- General in 175 years -
The Third Estate
declared themselves the National Assembly and made the Tennis Court Oath. -
National Assembly
Fearing Louis would force to dismiss the National Assembly, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille; tore it down. The Great Fear started shortly after. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
Written to garentee freedoms of equality, press, religion, and justice. -
Royal Family
Tries to escape, but were caught and arrested -
Was introduced -
Maximillien Robespirre
Is slowly gaining power -
Is ececuted by guillotine -
Jean-Paul Marat
A member of a radical political group Jacobins, is stabbed in a bathtub by Charlotte Corday -
Robespirre is executed by guillotine ending radical phase of revolution.