1st Day on earth
On September 13th, 2004. I was born. I came to the world at 9:35pm. I was born at St. Joe in Hot Springs. The name of the hospital has change. -
Starting dance
I started taking dance class when I was in the 2nd grade. I had been doing dance for 5 1/2 years. The first day of dance class, was when the love of dance took over. -
My little brother
On December 21, 2012, my little brother was born. I was years old at the time. We were born in the same hospital. -
When i was in the 2nd, i went to an after school program called, A.k.C. during that summer, I met this girl. We were good friends at the time. Well, to keep the story short, i went to the bathroom, and she was in there. She had pushed me against the stall door and tried to kiss me. I didn't want her to. Teacher came in and ask us what we were doing. She blamed the whole thing on me. I never got to tell my side of the story. 'Til this very day, I don't know if my parents believed the story. -
My Uncle
In the middle of my 2nd grade year, one of my uncle's i was close to passed in a car accident. I didn't take the news too well. My family took me to his grave one time, and every year i ask to go when they go, but they never let me go with them. Even 'til this day, i can never stop grieving for him.