Impactful Events

  • Alex was born!

    My youngest brother's birth is the only one I can fully remember. He completed our family being the fourth kid! I loved growing up with three brothers (even though they are a handful). They have taught me how to care for and protect others, as well as how to have fun and be a kid.
  • House Fire

    During my 6th grade year my family had a house fire. We lived with my grandma for about 6 months while repairs were being made. Luckily, the house was repairable but we lost most of our clothes and personal belongings. This most impactful part of this event was my community coming together to provide us with essential items that we had lost. This event connected me with my community and influenced my motivation to volunteer. I also increased my gratefulness for everything that I had.
  • Family member passed

    My grandma had a long battle with cancer and after several years, she had passed. This event greatly impacted our family's dynamic. Over time we have been able to bring back some of the original dynamic by keeping up traditions like camping trips. As I had lived with my grandma as a kid and for a few months when I was older, we were very close. This event made me realize how important family is to me and that I needed to appreciate the time I have with them more than I did before.

    My junior year of high school I was accepted into a technical program where I spent half of my school day in a different school district with no one else from my home school. This program allowed me to explore careers in health sciences as well as meet some of my closest friends and even my boyfriend. I appreciated being able to learn alongside others that were not from my small town. This experience solidified my choice to come to IUPUI.

    I was the only person from my high school that chose to go to IUPUI. I was really nervous coming in, I didn't know anyone and I had never been away from home for more than a week. During the first semester, I found a routine that worked for me and focused a lot on school. The second semester, I found friends that I love spending time with and I started to feel like I really belonged here. IUPUI has taught me so much about how to make the world a better place for everyone.