"Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Medicine"

  • Period: Sep 30, 1543 to


  • Book conserning medicine

    Book conserning medicine
    "A Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals" is published by William Harvey. This book describes how blood is pumped throughout tye body by the heart and then comes back to the heart; it recirculates. It became the basis for modern research on the heart and blood vescles.
  • Mthod to protect peopel from smallpox

    Mthod to protect peopel from smallpox
    Edward Jenner invents a method that protects people from smallpox by exposing those people to the cowpox virus. Later on, the process becomes known as vaccination, from the Latin word vacca, meaning cow. Jenner is known as the founding father of immunology.
  • Vitamins exists

    Vitamins exists
    Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins suggest that vitamimins exists and are important to human health. He receives the 1929 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
  • First Blood Bank

    First Blood Bank
    Bernard Fantus starts the first blood bank at Cook Country Hospital in Chicago. He used a 2% solution of sodium citrate in order to preserve the blood. Refrigerated blood would lasts 10 days.
  • Prevention of Birth defeacts

    Prevention of Birth defeacts
    Doctors are capable of conducting DNA sequencing to a fetus in order to figure out all the health problems that the baby might be born with.