Period: Sep 30, 1543 to
The Scienific Revolution
The french theologist Noel Taillepied use the French word psichologie in the
book Psychology. The book is about the realities of spirits, knoledge of erring
souls, phantoms, miracles and strange happenings, which at times precede the
death of important personalities, or announces that affairs of state are falling
apart. -
Psychology after 1790
French philosopher Denis Diderot publishes Essays on the Progress of the Human Spirit -
Psycholocy after 1790
Thomas Young publishes A Theory of Color Vision in which he
postulate that the retina is equipped with three kinds of color-sensitive points. -
Psychology after 1790
In the mid-1800s, Wilhelm Wundt, a German physiologist used scientific research methods to examine reaction times. He published a book in 1874, Principles of Physiological Psychology, which shows main connections between the science of physiology and the study of human thought and behavior. -
Psychology after 2030
Psychology will have many more experiments to interest human beings to understand the measning of Psychology and everything that has to do with it. There will be a more advanced way of learning what goes on in the mind.