Impact of Battle of hasting Sergio And Eric

By yogi_
  • 1066

    Battle Of Hasting

    Battle Of Hasting
  • 1215

    King John Signs The Magna Carta

  • England Establishes Colonies that become the USA

    England Established its first permanent north american settlement (Jamestown) This helped shape the US
  • Britain dominates parts of china

  • Britain takes control of india

    British rule on the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947. The system of governance was instituted in 1858 India would probably be more different
  • Britain controls large sections of Africa

  • Britain helps win world war 1

    Britain helps win world war 1
    Tanks were help in the battles of world war 1
    We would be a lot more weaker today if it weren't for the tanks that Britain provide
  • Britain helps win world war 2

    A significant turning point of World War II, the Battle of Britain ended when Germany's Luftwaffe failed to gain air superiority over the Royal Air Force despite months of targeting Britain's air bases, military posts and, ultimately, its civilian population.
  • Britain helps win the cold war

  • Britain helps win the first gulf war