Period: to
Arriving in America
I arrived in America and was immeditaly taken to a building to be inspected. I passed the inspection but some others that i arrived with were taken eleswhere to be inspected further.I hope i will find a better life and America and that some of my friends and family can make the voyage over to join me. -
Getting A Job
After i arrived in America, around a year later i got a job by building a railroad. Many other immigrants worked there and some were from China also. I got to talk to them and we discussed how we came here looking for a new life, some had family back in China just like me. We would work for most of the day not stopping and in all weather conditions. After i had saved up enough money i decided to buy a house for me and my family that were on their way to America. -
Life Going Well
I earn a good pay from my job parents and family moved to America. My Parents have bought a house relatively close to mine and they realize that these houses are nothing like their old hosue in China. My parents are too old to get a job but they have enough money to support their needs and buy supplies. Having my family move in is a great addition to my life but having to work all day means i rarely get to see them except for the few hours i have off work. -
Job Promotion
After working so hard on the railroad and not missing a single day of work, my boss has finallly noticed my hard work and has given me a promotion. With my new promotion I have been making a lot of money and can buy new clothes and other supplies for my family. My kids have started school and are still getting used to the different education which is very unlike the one in China. It seems as if all is going well but i soon get the news that my parents have passed away. -
Death and Exclusion
Tragedy hits my life as my wife and kids get a terrible illness that i do not have the money to pay for and they die later on . It seems as if I have nothing to live for as my family is gone and i am all alone.Work has gotten harder as more people need jobs my boss is firing the weak workers so stronger ones can fill in. I hope that i do not become weak and lose my job. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed and it meant that I coud not see my friends who were trying to move to America also. -
The End
I feel myself becoming weaker and that i am getting sick. My bosss notices my lathargic attitude and work and he sees that I am not as hard working as i was before. I get the news that I am being let go from my job and I wonder what am i going to do. With no money to pay for my house I am forced to leave it.The sickness that has killed my family soon comes to me and I know that i am going to die.