I was born in China in 1926. As a child I didnt really understand much of what was going on at the time. All i know is that there wasnt alot of oppertunites in China for my family. We were not wealthy at all. My father often never had a job. I went to school and played with my sisters just as any little girl would, but i didnt know about the grief goung on. Thats when my father decided to move us all to America in search of a better life. My father really hoped to gain a job in America too. -
Preparing for angel island
My family and I had to learn and go over questions because the United States asked us, this debated wheither we could enter or not. My mother was the one who gave away all our furniture, clothes, and alot of other things my family owned. It was deffinintly sad becuase I didnt want to leave all my friends and close neighbors, but father said it would all be worth it so I had faith. We left one day and traveled on foot, boat, and train just to get to Hong Kong. This was where i first heard english -
trip to angel island
After two days in Hong Kong, we boarded a steamboat heading to San Fransisco. My mother, sisters and I were so scared as we arrived by ferry to Angel Island. In the back of our minds was the thought of being deported, something no one wanted to happen! All of us just waiing to be called to interview, it was nerveracking! Finally we were released where my father was waiting. We went to Oakland by ferry to begin our new American life. -
life in Oakland
My family and I lived in a small enclave in Chinatown, Oakland, but we didnt own a home. My sisters and I atteneded a school, different them the americans however. Slowly we started to learn English. My family only socialized with people in our part of Chinatown. There was alot of prejudice towards us during this time, so we werent allowed to buy certain land or get certain jobs. Money was an issue during this time so my father decided to open a resteraunt. -
Making a mark in buisness
During World War II, my father opened a restraunt. It was in Oakland Chinatown, and all us children worked there. We mopped the floors and served tables. We worked really hard and never got paid, since it was a family buisness.My whole family worked seven days a week. Our hard work paid off however, and our buisness was a success. We were soon able to buy a home outside of Chinatown! -
Later Years Of Li Keng Wong
As time went on, i realized that there were alot of oppertunities for me to proceed in America. I decided to become a teacher. I earned all my teacher credentuals and tought elementry school for 35 years. I retired in 1985. I later wrote my book about my life and all my experiences coming to Angel Island as an immigrant.