
Immigration to America

  • Life of an Irishman

    Life of an Irishman
    On Marh 17, in the year of our Lord, 1820, I was brought forth into this world. My mother and father blessed me with th name Sheamus and a decendent of the great Leakey family. I was raised in Dublin, Ireland and raised in the Catholic faith. Growing up, I lived on a potato farm outside of the city. We had very few livestock, mstly hogs for eating and breeding, and mules to help plow the potato fields. My father was known for his master potatos that the public craved for.
  • Period: to

    History of Sheamus Leakey

  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    Twenty Five years later, God punsihed Ireland for our wiked ways. A famine struck all of the island and the majority of the potato crops were demolished from the rain flooding everywhere. My father's potato farm had died, as well as the live stock from starvation and hypothermia. April 20, 1847, my father and mother then sent me to a port and said to me, "Your future belongs in the 'New World'." That day I left my home land and left on a cargo to America, Land of the Free.
  • To America

    To America
    After twenty four days in a small cargo ship, we finally reach the "New World". I arrived in a port in New York City. The station where I departed was very crowded. Men, women and children from France, Iran, Poland, Scotland, and China came in here and there to make a single dollar. I eventually got a job at a steel plant in Pennsylvania for the rail roads. I made a very good friend from Scotland, named Hamish Fergusson of Strachur, the ally clan of our Scottish family and clan Macgregor.
  • Pennsylvania, to Texas

    Pennsylvania, to Texas
    . Six years I have been working on this steel plant. A poor man from France got in a fight with another Irishman and ended up falling into a pit full of multon steel. For many months now I have been seeing this certain lassy named Aednat O'Brian. I engaged to her last month and she and her father agreed to marry me. Now my father graciously lended nine hundred dollars to me to start a new Leakey generation. I then quit my job in Pennsylvania and moved to Texas to own a plantation with Aednat.
  • Southern Pride

    Southern Pride
    It's been nine years since I've been working at the steel plant in Pennsylvania. And now as tehn, I still have work, but it's a real good life down here in Dixie. I own my plantation and have three twins, Aengus, Fergus, and a daughter Beibhinn. I also have some African American slaves as well. But we don't treat them harshley like some of the other plantation owners do. It's been the second year of the Civil War and I just signed up for the Confederacy Army, to serve in the Irish Brigade.
  • Bloody Battles

    Bloody Battles
    Still fighting for Southern state rights, It's early December. I still send letter to my wife and to my slaves. Most of my Irish bretherin serve for the Yankee Nation, but the reason why I fight for the Confederacy, is because we simply want state rights and independants. They see Lincoln as a tyrant. But on my behalf, the South dosen't persecute the Catholic faith as they do in the North. I eventually find myself having to kill my best friend Hamish in battle, for he fought for the Yankees.
  • Murder

    It's been about two years since I've seen my beloved family. I recive a letter saying that my family would be in danger. In the night, I ride to where my plantation is. when I arive, I found my plantation, on fire, and Aednat, and Aengus, hanging on a near by tree that we loved to sit under at night. Fergus, and Beibhinn escaped with my slaves to a freedman in Pennsylvania. I burried my wife and son th next early morning as I moured for there death.
  • Reconsruction

    The Yankee nation won the war, and the thirteenth amendment had passed the office stating that slavery is abolished. It's been eight years in Reconstruction, and my hate grows every day. A Yankee patroll offiuecr stops me and nine other Confederate soldiers and tells me to state my name, I say to him, "My name is Sheamus Leakey, soldier of Kelly's Irish Brigade, father to a murdered son, husban to a murdered wife, and I shall have my vengence in this life, or in Armageddon."
  • Reconstruction 2

    Reconstruction 2
    I started rebelling the Yankees during the Reconstruction of the South. I even joined Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Ku Kulx Klan for a year to get my vengence on Yankees, not Blacks. I was caught in 1875 and charged for murder and rebellion. I was then sent to prison for over a year now, and now that I'm out of prison, I can attend my remaining family.
  • Western Life

    Western Life
    My new life is very calm and peaceful now. I earned enough money over the years with my palntation, and I now live in the most fertile area in all of Texas. My new occupation is a cow boy. My chldren grow up strong and healthy everyday. We had a few Indian attacks, but they were no harm really. Fergus has now started to help me on cattle drives, and my previous Black slaves are now happy freedman workers on my ranch. My only troubles now is getting into bar fights in the local pubs.