Russia map

Immigration Timeline (Leaving Russia)

  • Leaving Russia!

    Leaving Russia!
    My name is Dmitri Krushnic and I am from Russia. It has gotten to a point here in Russia where I must leave my home country. My entire family -- father, mother, and two brothers, are struck with poverty. Since I am the oldest man in the family besides my father, my family is sending me over to America. We are being flat-out oppressed here in Russia -- our leader is unfair and harsh. There is much religious prejudice so my family cannot freely practice our religion. It is deeply saddening.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    My father got me a path to America! I will be taking a boat with many others to a place known as Ellis Island. It is located in New York and it will be my gateway to America. So far here on the boat the condiitons aren't the best. I have seen numerous people get refused entry either because of their physical or financial condiiton. I was lucky enough to get through and be boarded on the boat! The road ahead will be tough, but it will all be worth it in the end.
  • Arrived at Ellis Island

    Arrived at Ellis Island
    It has been a very long and rough 11 days. I'm glad that I am finally here in America: there are many new things that I have never seen before! The trip here was interesting; I ate all sorts of new foods that I have never eaten. I miss my family dearly and hope that I get to see them soon; but I must continue my road to America and sieze this wonderful opportunity! Also, I am very relieved to be so many miles away from my old leader back in Russia.
  • Jobs, jobs, jobs!

    Jobs, jobs, jobs!
    My first year in America has been, to say the least, amazing. There have been so many new things I have experienced in only this short time span -- it has been exciting and fresh! I got my first job fairly quickly, although it didn't pay much... I was able to save up enough money over the course of a couple months to check in to a very nice hotel and get a job working in a small factory. My employers are a little harsh, but overall I am very grateful to have work and a source of income.
  • Land, work, and opportunity

    Land, work, and opportunity
    I'm contemplating moving west because I recently lost my job at the factory. I hurt my arm using a machine I had no experience with so my employer thought it was best to let me go... I think the west will be a great opportunity for a better job and a chance to settle down. I met a kind lady named Anna who also happened to be from Russia. I will try to convince her to move west with me so we both have an opportunity to work and escape poverty once and for all! Maybe we could settle down together.
  • On our way to land!

    On our way to land!
    Anna and I are getting married! I convinced her to move west with me and once we arrive we will try to obtain a piece of land and settle down. I've saved up enough money for us along the way to the west; our financial situation is in good condition because of the work we did in the industrial factory. We are moving west with a few other people that we don't know; they are very kind people and have been supporting us throughout our journey.
  • Railroad work!

    Railroad work!
    We are so close to finishing our journey to the west! On our way here, I met a man who told me about railroad work. At first I was skeptical -- and I was right to be. However, the salary from the work is essential Anna and I; we need money even if the actual work is extremely dangerous. He told me about how we use explosives to blast through obstacles so we can build tracks for transportation. This seemed like my type of work, so I took up his offer. Anna continued west without me, though.
  • Settling down

    Settling down
    Our savings from my railroad work and our past industrial work funded our land that we purchased. We couldn't get a large piece of land for free like we wanted, so we paid a small price for a medium piece of land that we are planning to build a house on. We will possibly buy much more land in the future and make our own fortune off of the resources -- perhaps we would breed animals and make a farm! I have been looking for a better job to replace this railroad work in the meantime.
  • My family in Russia (conclusion)

    My family in Russia (conclusion)
    My experience in America has been extraordinary. Recently I have been mailing letters in to my family persuading them to travel to America and then hopefully west to Anna and I. I came across a man who sold me his entire factory to me for a small price. The factory was a very successful one and I envision myself taking great care of it and continuing its legacy. If my family comes over to America I can employ them there for free! Hopefully this factory will stay in my family for generations!