Period: to
Years of Immigration
We Just Can't Take it Anymore
I am Brianna Doyle and my husband (Patrick Doyle) and I are leaving Ireland. We can't take it anymore; we have no food and no money. There has been crop failure in Ireland causing food to be scarce. We are hoping that America will open new jobs and have plenty of resources for my husband and me. We don't have many belongings but together we were able to bring $10.00. Other than that we had clothes and that was about it. -
We've Made it to the City!
When Patrick and I first reached Ellis island we were extremely excited. We made it through Ellis island easily because we have never been in trouble with the law. When we reached Ney York we both got standard factory jobs in a sweatshop. The conditions were dangerous and we got paid very low wages, but it was something. We also found a cheap place to stay. -
The Draft
It has been a sad day for my relationship. My husband has just been drafted into the Civil War and I fear that I will never see him again. -
The Letter that Changed my Life
I have just received a letter notifying me that my husband died in combat. A small part of me knew this would happen but I am still devastated. I plan to quit my job for it reminds me too much of Patrick. I also plan to leave the city and move West to try and start a new life. -
Leaving the City
I have packed all of my things and plan to move West. I don't have much but I hope to get a piece of land. The city just reminds me of Patrick too much. -
My Husbands draft
The day we were notified that my husband will be joining the army will be forever burned in my brain. We were just chatting having a lovely lunch when we received a letter. He read it to himself and when he looked up at me I knew it wasn’t good news. I didn't understand why my husband, an immigrant who has lived here for only 2 years was chosen for the draft. I look at the letter from the day he died that I will always keep and I see the stains my tears left from the horrible day. -
My Lonely Treck West
I am currently traveling on my own to the West. Although there are wagons and other people around me I feel so alone for I have no companion and no husband. I have few belongings but I hope to get a job on a ranch or a farm of some sort. -
I'm More than Just a Woman
The miners, ranchers, and cowhands believe that because I am a woman and I have no male accompaniment that I could not handle work on a farm. They have however given me a job in the kitchen making meals for them, It will do for now but I do hope to get a better job soon. -
I've Met a Man
I've met a man who works on the farm that I cook for. At first I began thinking I had betrayed my husband but I don't want to live alone for the remainder of my life and I know that he would want me to be happy. I don't believe anything will happen, I'm sure he doesn't even notice me; I'm just the cook around here. -
Our Lovely Land
The man from the farm I worked on (John) and I are to get married tomorrow. We have a piece of land waiting for us for when we get married. My skills in the kitchen and his skills on the farm will help us maintain a great piece of land. It is 70 acres and we plan to live out our lives there.