Calvin coolidge

Immigration project

  • arrival at Ellis Island

    arrival at Ellis Island
    immigration I have finally arrived at Ellis island im so excited about the adventures I shall face in America Im now at the age of 22 since it is my birthday. I see men in blue uniforms yelling "Help save America join the Union" I was shocked no way that I was coming here to see a country be destroyed by slave owners.
  • battle of Gettysburg

    battle of Gettysburg
    civil war
    Almost three years since I arrived at Ellis island and I elisted for the union and was on the move for Gettysburg to stop the Confederate army. The launguage barrier was hard I couldnt exactly understand orders from my commanding officers.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    The war was finaly over and so I got a job as a factory worker keeping an I on the workers when they were handiling the tuff machines. years later I opened my pizza shop
  • Lincoln's death

    Lincoln's death
    5 days after the war when I recived the daily newspaper and read an article about lincoln he was murdered. I was shocked to see the news so I grabed my rifle and set out to find this murderer myself.
  • Theodore roosevelt's presidency

    Theodore roosevelt's presidency
    I am now at the age of 63 and have a wife and three kids and still own the pizza shop but now President Roosevelt is elected and is helping america out on theis glourious day
  • my death
