immigration policies/ internal migration APUSH

  • May 1, 1496

    Columbian exchange

    Columbian exchange
    The columbian exchange was trade between the new and old worlds. They exchanged animals, plants, culture, disease, technology, and people. Africans were being exchanged for goods and this eventually led to slavery.
  • Louisiana purchase

     Louisiana purchase
    This was land that the US bought from France. This land was purchased for $15 million. It doubled the size of the United States. Meriwether and William Clark were hired to explore the territory in 1804.
  • Manifest destiny

     Manifest destiny
    People believed that the US was destined to secure territory from coast-to-coast. As technology and infrastructure improved in America, people started moving westward.
  • Kansas Nebraska act of 1854

    Kansas Nebraska act of 1854
    The Kansas Nebraska act nullified the Missouri compromise by allowing slavery in the forever free Territories of the Louisiana purchase. Settlers from the north and south flocked to Kansas; each side wanting to outnumber the other.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    Federal troops marched from Washington DC to Bull Run. There unions plan was to attack Virginia and deal the confederate a mortal blow.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    This act promised land to anyone willing to move and settle here. The main reason for moose moved was because of the fertile and cheap lands.
  • Native Americans

    Native Americans
    The Sioux steadily westward since the mid-1700s due to the spread of horses and guns, which they used to fight for the territory and hunt buffalo. By the beginning of the 1800s, native Americans had control over much of the great plains
  • March to the sea

    March to the sea
    After the Battle of Atlanta Sherman led his man through the march to the sea. His troops burned all lands and destroyed confederate infrastructure from Atlanta to Savannah.
  • Second wave immigration

    Second wave immigration
    Period where America went from being rural and agricultural society to the beginnings of and industrial society. Many immigrants were coming from southern and Eastern Europe. Most of these immigrants lived in tenants; low-cost, urban family housing developments that squeeze in as many families as possible
  • Organized Labor Movement

    Organized Labor Movement
    Factories and other companies hired children and immigrants that would work for low wages. They were forced to work for 12 hours six days a week. These workers had little attention given to them. Because they weren't saved many of them died from factory accidents.
  • Transcontinental railroad

    Transcontinental railroad
    Irish and Chinese word to groups of immigrants used in the construction of the transcontinental railroad. This made transportation and communication easier. Thousands of people flocked west in hopes to find gold and silver. The US began forcing native Americans onto reservations. Miners began settling in their lands
  • Chinese execlusion act

     Chinese execlusion act
    This act prohibited Chinese immigrants to the US and limited the rights to the ones already living in the country. This was the first time that a specific racial group was for bidden to enter the US.
  • Social justice

    Social justice
    Improved working conditions in industry, regulated unfair business practices, eliminated child labor, and helped immigrants and the poor.
  • Dust bowl

    Dust bowl
    The great plains advertised nature, health and wealth but in return the people that moved here were received with dust storms. Families that were devastated by the dust bowl moved to the West Coast or larger cities in hopes to find work.
  • Baby boom

    Baby boom
    After World War Two soldiers came home from war and had many babies. They are known as baby boomers. Many of these families moved to Levittowns